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Show Linda Fishburn = z— of _Susan hace __ Kathy Kirkman = : = Nancy Boyington udents vote for Orc “‘eepeep Purple’”’ be Ait att is the theme Class” Orchid today. from 8 | p.m. to 2 p.m. I- the Associated Weitents Students eT be pre-_ CcComunale. naa Sel asting ballots. A major in Home Economics, ‘ol Ann Brunetti oy 67 freshmen class council. | She ‘Utah to study fashion mercha: « Her main interests are Brunetti is president of the - dising. skiing, sewing and reading. precision marching noon to introduce the queen can-— -Chatonelles lege union cafeteria. — class secretary, Sophomore team, secretary of LaDianaeda Cost of the semi-formal dance ‘didates which include: Ann Brunn Scho of yokwaiss: Hadley Is 2 is n Susan Hadley, Nancy Boy- sorority and attendant to the 1967 “Miss Child is a special educatio soll $2. 00 per couple. Tickets may etti, major and an active member of aed in- Business Bdueation ington, Linda Fishburn, Kathy “Miss Weber State.’ | Her interbe purchased at the Union Main the WSC dance committee and a dancing and ests are singing, Kirkman, Linda Child and Susan Desk or from Sophomore Class lections committee. She is chairsports and she plans to graduate — © Officers John Hansen, president; ‘Chase. from Weber with a minor in phys- — man of the newly organized ComMiss Boyington was graduated Nancy Boyinton, vice president of Eivokue sorority, ‘a2 nes munity Services Board. ical education. from Ogden High School in 1966. or Linda Child, secretary. She enjoys skiing English. Miss Fisburn is an English maj- in Miss Chase, who will graduate Her major is medical technology Tickets may also be purchased or, member of LaDianaeda sor- and watching football and plan and she enjoys skiing, hiking and in June with an Associate’s Deat the door this evening. to travel after ‘graduation fro and WSC Special Events com“Voting for the 1968 ‘Orchid reading. She is sophomore class — gree, has been an active member - ority State. se mittee. She enjoys music, sings | ‘Weber ee and asea member er ofof of Otyokwa sorority and the 1966sezon will be heldin the Union| vice president eget o 12 p.m. in the Weber State Col- A ‘prosraneiwill be held at 12_ Miss tate $ a | |