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Show | Patricia Mecham The engagement and _forthcoming marriage of Miss Pa-. tricia JOAN PAINE PENNY MADSON Three North Joan _ WASHINGTON TERRACE ‘Mr. and Mrs. John J. Paine of Washington Terrace, has set Sept. 8 as the date of her marriage to Robert S. Utsman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Utsman, 4030 Adams, Ogden, the bridegroom’s parents. are Student Activities at the Church College of Hawaii at Laie. She is a graduate of Weber State College where she was active in student activities and served as cheerleader, class of‘ficer and outstanding female istudent in 1964, - Miss Paine graduated from Bonneville High Schtool, and attended Weber State College, where she was affiliated with! Otyokwa Sorority. Mr. Utsman MECHAM | (cham, 4295 Jefferson, and ‘the ees Announcement is made of the engagement and plans for a Christmas wedding of Miss Penny Madson to Lance Rex Bateman. Miss Madson, a daughter of Mrs. Alfred C. Stephens 1238 Binford, and the late O. B. Madson, is acting as Director of — PATRICIA wy 7. an LDS mission in Hong Kong, Miss Mecham is a daughter of’ China. He is presently attendMr. and Mrs. Milton C. Me- 8 Weber State os Nuptial Plans Miss Joan Paine, daughter of R. __ The couple will exchange vows t| Announces Paine to Dennis in the Logan LDS Temple on|Ogden High School, and fulfilled Ogden Miss Plans for du Mecham Wood was announced at a beau-. tiful arranged tea Saturday. The tea was held at the home of Mrs. C, H. Dredge in Kaysville, hosted by Mrs. Dredge and Mrs. Russell M. Nelson, with close friends and ‘relatives . of the bride-elect attending, [future bridegroom is a son of (Mr. and Mrs. Rulon S. Wood, 1374 31st. The future bride is a ped. ate of Bonneville High School and LDS Seminary, and is attending Weber State College. She has served as president and song leader of the Otyokwa Social Sorority. | Mr. Wood is a graduate of | She was a member of Otyok- is a graduate of \wa sorority. - For the past two years she has been teaching at Cypress High School in Magna, as a dance teacher and originator and director of the drill team known as the Spinnakers. Mr. Bateman, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex A. Bateman of Magna, is a senior at the Uni-| versity of Utah and will be at[Hawa the Church College of Hawaii. . Bonneville High School, and is attending Columbia meat lok in New York City. _ The ceremony ane reception — i The | Temple CLAUDIA TURNER | evening at the Edgewood Reception Center in their honor. | Miss Turner is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Turner of 625 13th, The future bridegroom is a) couple will be married \in the Hawaiian 22, | Dec. ;son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Oyler of Perry. The prospective bride is a senior at Weber State College, where she is an English major. | She , affiliated with Otyokwa Sorority. Claudia Turner Mr. Oyler served an LDS AusThe Salt Lake LDS Temple! trian mission. He attended Brigwill be the scene of the wed- ham Young University, and exding of Miss Claudia Turner and pects to receive his degree in Dean Q. Oyler on Dec. 14. accounting from Weber State he bs bynad Smith _ The Salt Lake LDS Temple ae be the scene of the wedding an. 19 of Miss Lynda Smith and Lynn T. Payne. ; A reception will be held that] College in December. '“ Making the’ news known are Z.. bride-elect’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Smith of 154 E. 4300 S. .~ Parents of Mr. Payne are Mr. LT and Clarence H. Johnson of Harris \Sunnyvale, Calif. Announcing the engagement, Miss Harris is a senior. at and forthcoming marriage of Miss Shauna Harris to Clark Weber State College. She is C. Johnson are her parents, Mr. affiliated with Otyokwa Sorority. and Mrs. Golden W. Harris of The bridegroom-elect received 1659 28th. a bachelor of arts degree in Mr. Johnson is a son of Mrs. psychology from Weber State Earl Rumpel of Ontario, Ore.,College. He was affiliated with Sigma Delta Phi. He is attending Officers’ Training School at Medina Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex., and plans to en- Shaunt and Mrs. Thomas R. Payne of 4575 Madion. “The couple was sraduated from Weber High School and LDS Seminary. Miss Smith attended Weber State College for two years, and was affiliated with Otyokwa So-| cial Club. The prospective bridegroom attended Weber State for one year, served an LDS Great Lakes mission, and is a student at the LDS Business College in Salt Lake City. oe LYNDA SMITH SHAUNA HARRIS ter Flight School. _ The marriage ceremony will be performed April 1 at the here of the bride-elect’s parents, and the couple will receive guests at a reception following. TITEL |