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Show ee “She “held a “bout of red Toses. : “ATTENDED BRIDE - HOOPER—Pvt. 1.LC. and Mrs. | eine a floor fengih | tent | Lynn John Ward are on a wed- | dress of antique gold, with bell ding trip to Jackson Hole, Wyo. slee ves were the attendants, y They were married Tuesday in Miss Ann DeGeorgio, maid of : a ceremony solemnized at the | honor, and Miss Jill Westwood, Edgewood Reception Center. Miss Karen’ Prevedel, Miss apo The bride is the former Miss Cheryl Mason, Miss Pat Ward Diane Prevedel, daughter of and Miss Shirley Kane. Mr. and Mrs. Aldo J. Ereveder They held bouquets of moss ‘green leaves deat’ with es of Hooper. - Parents of the bride groom are red rose. Jim Ward, brother of the Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Ward, bridegroom, was best man, Ush594 E. 2400 N., Ogden. Mr. Ward ers were Robert. Ward, Don performed the ceremony. Ward, David Prevedel and Dave The bride was attractive in Champneys. The bridegroom is stationed a satin tent dress with a lace “1Dbodice, and _complimented by at Ft. _ Lewis, Wash. TEEPE LAT. ae ere OP nen |