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Show eta Pp Patricia Meche re te ee % eae ‘The’ engagement ere f orthcoming marriage of Miss. Pa-) tricia Mecham to Dennis R. ee Wood was announced at a beau- ae ee ‘tiful arranged tea Saturday. ee The tea was held at the \ otiael of Mrs. C, H. Dredge in Kays- | ville, hosted by Mrs. Dredge, and Mrs. Russel M. Nelson, with close friends and: telatives :| _ The couple will exchang re VOWS |: of the bride-elect attending, ‘SE oe ‘PATRICIA + 4 4 Cer eae ye: MECHAM a ———— ‘in the Logan LDS. Temple. on { Ogden High School, and ae an LDS mission in Hong Kong, Miss Mecham is; a daughter of | China. He is presently attendMr. and ‘Mrs. ‘Milton C. Me- ing ‘Weber State College. ‘July 1 4 i ' cham, 4295, J efferson, and. the future bridegroom is a son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Rulon x 1374 31st. ee 4 the. future bride is a graduate of. Bonneville High School and 1 LDS. Seminary, and is attefiditgy Weber State College. She has served as. president and song leader of the Otyokwa Social Scene is 7 a graduate of A |