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Show aw” SS ee ” MRS. BRENT G. POLL oe WEST POINT—Brent G. Poll took as his bride on Friday, Miss Ogden Couple Marries Sondra Twede, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Twede of 1 LDS Temple Rites West Point. — f The _ united in marriage Miss JoAnn Hone and Michael C. Erick- Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. : : _ Ericksonof 511 Leona Drive. ‘The couple received guests at a reception at the Edge: = wood Reception Center. — her wedding, the bride selected a gownof peau de - BOUFFANT VEIL | pearled re-embroidered lace on the lace. - BRIDE BOUQUET Her veil extended wrist-| length in three tiers. Her bou- yet bodices with puffed sleeves and peau de soie skirts, adorned with velvet bows at the waistline and floor-length — _ After the ir wedding trip, the newlyweds will make home in Ogden. — waistline fae organza was appliqued with attending were Mrs. Edward Erickson, Miss Cheryl Siglin, _ Miss Sandy King and Mrs. Richard Scott. : _ They wore gowns of green chiffon cages over green vel- ‘ 5 hemline, empire and bell sleeves. The train of bouffant veil was securedto a headpiece of peau The de soie. She carried a bouquet of white poinsettias with holly. - Mrs. Earl Lynn Hone was matron of honor, and others Dean Hone and Jimmy Erickson. was was worn by the bride. It was trimmed with two rows of | streamers. — Ushers were: Earl Lynn Hone, Edward Erickson, George ceremony An empire gown of French organza over delustered satin soie under a cage of imported Chantilly lace with covered buttons extending down the front to the scalloped hemline. Her peau de soie train was attached at the shoulders. © eee wedding performed by Bishop Vern L. Thurgood in the West Point LDS Ward Chapel, and a reception was held afterwards in the cultural hall. : ‘The announcementis made bythe bride’s parents, Mr. ) and Mrs. Earl D. Hone of 3875 Raymond. For : The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. Earl , Heninger of South Weber, and the late Dale L. Poll. 3 : a Impressive rites in the Salt Lake LDS Temple Thursday ‘ their : i quet consisted of large chrysanthemums and pom pons accented with baby pink roses. She was attended by Mrs. Darrel Twede as matron of honor, and Miss Larry Brown, Mrs. Kathy Ostler, Miss Carol Millgate, Miss Margie Poll and Mrs. Douglas Twede, with Dawn Twede as a flower girl All wore empire gowns of pink organza MRS. ARNOLD K. GARR | $ :_ Twede-Poll : z "MRS. MICHAEL C. ERICKSON over taffeta, accented with a ruffle of matching taf‘feta at the waistline and hemline. Each held a large white chrysanthemum with a hot pink center with a bow and green _ The best man was Glen Poll. Ushering were Darrel Twede, d . Marriage Vows Trade In Solemn Temple Rites — The White House Reception Center provided lusion was caught to a rose of the setting on nylon and silk, accented with Monday for the reception honor- seed pearls. She held a bouquet of white roses surrounded by -ing Mr. and Mrs. Arnold K. yellow crysanthemums, a Garr who traded marriage vows Wearing empire waisted earlier in the day in the Salt gowns of yellow crystal charm, Lake LDS Temple. : with olive green velvet bows _ The bride is. the former Miss Cherie Lee Burns, daughter of in their hair, were the attendand Mrs. Lowell C. Burns ants, Mrs. Peter R. Christenof 162 W. 4300 S. | sen, matron of honor, and Miss Parents of the bridegroom are Pat Peterson, Mrs. Dennis Wood ‘Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl Garr of and Miss Susan Stephens. Complementing their ensem“118 Liberty... 2 Mr. Marion D. Hanks performed bles were nosegays of yell chrysanthemums and roses. temple ceremony. W. Earl Garr Jr. was best BRIDAL BOUQUET the The bride was man, with Brent A. Allen, Parry attractive in Willard, Russell Nebeker, Dave an empire waisted gown, fash- Dixon and Dave Hansen as ushjoned of crystal charm and ee ee ee Chantilly lace, with slight bell! After a trip to Las Vegas, sleeves and an A-line skirt, Nev., the couple will reside in _. Her shoulder length veil of il-|Ogd gden. eee ee |