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Show READY to beat the drum for Weber State Homecoming ueen Leslie rum major Ann Taylor and attendants Janet Jensen an iller (ett to right). Gary parade saturday are with Noisiest Homecoming Parade Moves Saturday: 45 Units Utah high school bands are Jensen and, Forty-five floats, bands, tendants, Janet |Manti, Murray, Clearfield, Ben marching and other units will Kathee McBride. give Weber State College its bigIn the section of cars bear- Lomond, Ogden, Weber, Bonnegest, noisiest, and most color- ing Gov. and Mrs. Rampton will ville and Roy. Float sponsors include Sigma ful homecoming parade ever be other officials, including Jra when the procession rolls Satur- ‘A. Huggins, chairman of the Delta Pi, Excelsior, Phoenix, other and Alpha Rho Omega, men’s day at 10:30 a.m. ‘Weber State trustees; Otyokwa, LaDianaeda, Gov. Calvin L. Rampton will members of the trustees, Col- clubs; head the list of officials as the lege President William P. Mil- and Tau Theta Nu, women’s parade moves south along Wash- ler and Alumni Association of- clubs. Other sponsors are the colficers. ington, from 21st to 28th. Added to the blare of the 14 lege marching band, college ski The parade, football game, and homecoming dance will con- bands will be shrill whistles club, the four residence halls, clude the week-long celebration from a steam-powered calliope. the combined four classes of Saturday. The grid battle, be- The alumni will have a section the college, the student body ofand four LDS~ Institute hacen Big Sky rivals University of 10 vintage cars following” be- ee =the Lps°Sstudent Idahe_and-Weber Staite, AwilLwsind- +ne—calliope, dating frome. Association, Delta Phi Kappa, | be in Wildcat stadium following the 1920 era. Lambda Delta Sigma, and Sig) the parade, at 1:30 p.m. SEVERAL TROPHIES ma Gamma Chi. Pre-game activities start at 1 At stake is a sweepstake trop.m. with band demonstrations. PRECISION TEAM phy, and trophies for the best 1,100 MUSICIANS The precision marching group float entries in the men’s, womThe parade will display 14 en’s, and special division, said of the Weber Basin Job Corps bands from three states, with a Roger Wise, student chairman drill team will be among the marching units. Prize-winning combined personnel of more of homecoming. Entries will be judged before floats will be on display near than 1,100 musicians perhaps one of the greatest concen- the parade hour and winning the stadium following the pa‘trations of bands brought to Og- floats will be identified as they rade. Open ‘house in the three colroll before the crowds, Mr. Wise den in a number of years. lege residence halls will be obThe color, sparkle, and vi said. brance of college life will be de-} Lead band will be Weber served following the football 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. picted in the 17 floats made by State’s marching band of 72 game, from Climatic event of the weekstudent and alumni organiza- uniformed members. Four high school bands will come from long celebration will be the tions. Riding up front of the column Idaho—Bonneville, Idaho Falls; homecoming dance in the Union will be homecoming royalty Pocatello and Highland, from Building Saturday at 9 p.m. atop an eye-grabbing float of Pocatello; and Blackfoot High, Alumni and the general public ipink and lavender flowers — Blackfoot. Wyoming will be rep- are invited to join students at this social. queen Leslie Ann _ Taylor, _at- resented by Cokeville. |