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Show Bateman, “suzanne, 205 =70h eS. Se ae ani. 392-0177 Battisti,“ Cathy: A: ,; O46: 15th: St? 22.223 Se 399-4504 Beckstead, Betty, 859 N. Jefferson .................. 782-6930 Becksteady. Jan, 548 Cook: St. .2.-4..28.02i es 392-9309 Bennett, Susan, 933 N. Jefferson ............0......... 393-9328 Bloomquist, Nedra, 687 E. 900 N.. .....0002.00...... 782-6830 Boothe, Sandra, 1131 Porter Ave. .................. 392-6301 Boss, Judy Lynn, 180 W. 14th St. .......0........ 22393-1535 powen, Shirley, -347--N: Wall: f22 003 393-6826 Bowen; Vickie; 3275.Cook Ste 222-2 394-0095 Bradshaw. Cerri, « 1209 25th se See 392-8192 Braithwaite, Claudia, 263 N. Harrison .......... ..392-4072 Braithwaite, Elaine, 1339 Kiesel Ave. ............ 394-0246 Brennan, Cathy. 163 No Quinney). Se 392-6243 Brian. Princess, 1129. Harrop: . 42:3. eek 393-7657 Broadbent, Pearl Ann, 829 W. Lake ............ 393-7610 Brogan, Loraine; 942 EE. 1050) Ns 13. 782-6079 Bronson, Fay Cheryl, 2137 Grant Ave. ............ 394-8242 Brown, Carol, “1015 Van Buren® 2.25. 23. 393-9147 Brown; Cathie. 1665 2th (SG a 394-5088 Brown, Eva Joan, 470 Chester St. _..0..000000000..... 392-8324 Brown, Kay Leona, 946 Jefferson Ave. ........ 392-6149 Bryan, Jayna, 360 Jefferson Ave. .................. 394-0878 Burts: Dornise; 628: is 120 oN ee ae 782-9334 Burnett, Shauna,-505. 2nd: St. 14.0.0 eee eS 393-6705 Butters, Mary, 465 Grant Ave. _...............0222.....--- 393-6635 Butters, Peggy, 355 Jackson Ave. .......0.00.......... 392-6122 C Calloway; Diane; -666.-E: 675 oN. Soe 782-7324 Campbell, Helen, 17 N. Washington ............ 393-0915 Campbell, Nancy, 1296 Cook St. _...00.000..... 399-1342 Campos, Rosemary, 827 West Lake .............. 393-0787 Carey, Kristen. 679. Oth Otis sos ee 393-0405 Carlsen, Irene, 510 Fowler Ave. ............02..0...... 394-1966 Carruth, Becky, 1337 Henderson Dr. ................ 393-5358 Carter; Rosalind; 962°: FE. 1100: N.. 2.222. 782-6095 Carver. Susan... 1023 Stowe. Be 392-8092 Cates, Diana, 251 Jackson Ave. .....222..0..0........ 392-4097 Chadburn; “Corinne; 916: Rancho... 2:3 a 393-0694 Chadwick, Irene Rochelle, 2161 Lincoln ............ 392-3188 Christensen, Susan, 1711 Grant Ave. ............ 393-7117 Christian, Christine, 184 N. Harrison ............ Clark. “LaRita, 1426 -Lewis Dr... 4.258 Se ee 394-0067 Clements, RaeJean, 2512 A Ave. .000...22.i.cc..... 392-8416 Combe, Dorothy, 945 Fillmore Ave. ................ 392-8416 Connell, Virginia, 940 Liberty Ave. ................ 393-7255 Cortez, Jessie V., 1453 Gibson Ave. .....0.000...... 393-7934 Cottle:~ Becky. (544 “isto St. 2435S eee 392-7647 Cox, Lonnie, .692> BE — 1000 We? sa ee ee 782-5433 Crastun. Kathy: 643. cSt 33 2 ee i 392-5386 Crane. ‘Susan, .360 Polk” Aven enue 394-2565 Crase= Kin. 4157 SNOPrtne St. oe ee ee 393-6170 Crawtord, -Romona; 316 4 7/th 86. 2 ee 399-0958 Criddle.. -Disnna, 922: Vitt.4Dhe 2... ee 393-7542 Cummings, Annette, 2519 A Ave. _..........22......--- 393-2400 Cunningham, Cindy, 302 Harrisville Road ....399-5168 Cutler, Jeanne Kathy, 1572 llth St. _...000........ 392-3702 D Dabb. Shauna.*-130L ' D6Uslas 473s ee Dastrup, Valarie, 1310 Cross St. —....22200.... Davidson, Chris, 714 Hislop Dr. ...........2.0.00....... Daviss Nancy *S. 163" Ray ole See ree Day, Desiree, 951 Maxfield Dr. ..........2.....00...... DeGreve, Kathie, 1065 Sherwood. ...................... Diarte ita. 630: uImcoln sr eee Dixon, Debbie, 974 Van Buren eee 393-1215 Doble, Annette K., 1755 Washington Blvd. ....399-0208 Dovuclas, Ada; 9: ‘Canyon Road: a. ask: 393-2671 Dunn: ‘Kearen;66050 790.5 N.S eee 182-7326 Durham: Carole, 95h -Jacksone 7S. ee 393-6078 Dutrieuille, Yvonne, 940 E. 1100 N.. ..........0.....-- 782-7409 Dyer, att, (300 7th. St 2s ee ee 393-4244 E Eddy. Sheritda, 536° North: St.<2. 42.13 Eldredge, Cherie, 928 Towa ...............2....2..0..202--0--Himer Oba a a ae Escobeda, Esther, 945 W. 25th St. _.....00200000222.... 782-6569 394-0318 782-6894 393-2293 K Racer, Pani, 1240: DOWLIAS <= Se es 392-9632 Factor, Jellene, 851 E. 1100 -N. ..W-220.20c02.0...... Barr, Becky. bee? 218 41h Ste ea ee 394-0724 Hishéer.; Cathy; <610)THslop Dr. SS See 399-0087 Florek, Noellee, 867 N. Monroe ...................... 782-7188 Fowers, Gail, 1416 Lewis Dr. ...............02...22...... 394-2281 Praca, Marian, 001:-Grace.. AVG. 2... 6282 3: 394-8288 Frazier, Shirley Ann, 1463 Liberty Ave. ........393-0666 Frecker, Christine, 262 Van Buren .................. 392-2848 Fuhriman, Lorrie, 1038 Gramercy Ave. ............ 393-8577 G Garcia. Debras 14 Wo Zist- Swi ok a Gabaldon, Rita, 419:-W. A7th St. 222.2222 393-4789 Gaither, Bridget, 1115 Douglas ........0000000000.. 392-7677 Gallegos, Phyles JoAnne, 256 21st St. —.......... 399-5102 Galvez, Brenda, 200 N. Washington Blvd. .... Garcia, A. Maralyn, 1005°' Tyler: <...:.:.......-22:-.- 393-1924 Garcia, Geraldine, 908 Stephens ....................... Geary, Kristine, 893 Melody Lane .................... Gilman, Shirley, 1114 Gramercy Ave. ............... 393-8004 Godfrey, Susan, 919 Tyler Ave. ....-.......22......22--.--- 392-2846 Goff, Debbie, 1328 Lewis Dr. ............2.2..............- 393-4526 ae gO ....... es NS 393-4984 392-5306 394-0781 394-0568 393-0589 393-4656 392-3989 | |