OCR Text |
Show May 28, (cont,) 1969 COMMENCEMENT JUNE 6 — Cormbongaaent exercises bate. Giecnae’ Michael Deal, Soseph DeWayn oring 449 Ben Lomond High Ernest Dietz, Loring | ‘a School graduating seniors- will, Draper, Robert Allen Du hi, | Nye, June 6 at 8 p.m. in the Michael Lucien Dussol, Ronald|Thon Ray Eck, Drew Vee Edwards ‘Lioy : Duane Perry, David Louis Pé-| Girls in the gra and Scott C. Elliott. ; n Charles Gregory Engberg, terson, Barry Lee Phillips, Keith are: ay Alkema, Karen Raymond John _ Etcheverry, Taylor Pierce, ‘Richard Dean}: 01 Kaly Shirl Fadel, Matthew Wil- Post, Michael Lee Raleigh, Polieay: Anderson, Sh liam Fee, Vince Lowell Felt, Kerry Warner Rasmussen, Blair Anderson, Sharon Aus '|Craig | Steven Field, Kenneth Montgomery Read, Scott Keith dra Austin, Miche ‘6 a presiRead and Stephen John Rodell. relations at Craig Finch, Kevin Hunter FolkArthur Lawrence Salas, Jerry man,, Stephen Kent Foulger, Lynn*Scott Froerer and Donald Ward Sall. Bruce Robert Salvo,|, James Phillip Schultz, Michael| Glen’ Fronk. -Fred R. Garcia, Scott Charles E. Scott, Marvin Jay Sexton,| 1a Geary, Jack McGary Gibbons, Edwin George Shaw, Richard zer, ad Louise *|Robert Leonard Giboney, Bruce Lynn Shelton, Byron Lee SherLind. a -.| Lloyd Gibson, Bruce Eugene Gil- wood and Thomas Gerald Shock. Jean Bedford, Larry Edwin Sickles, Ronald|Claudean Bennett bert, Paul L, Goff, Antonio GoBlythe Berglund, J ecky|mez Manuel Atanacio Gon- Gorden Simmons, Dale Jeffery Berry, beth +Beckyjzales, Jeffery Lynn Gough, Slade, Carl Willard Smaitt, stea ‘andPollySusanEli Jeanne si George Lewis Smith, Kevin k George Ray Green, Michael Leslie Dale|ock. _.|James Gregory and John Bryan Whitear: Smith, Smith, Neal ‘Alan Stapleton, Po (Griffin, « ~ PAUL LEROY HADLEY, Brian Eugene Steed, Michael onel|Raymond Takashi Hamada, Gil- Gerald Stephens, Michael Brent Bronson, Wlzabeth re-|bert Lee Hamaker, Brent Ham- Stettler, Rex Irvin Stone, Scott Carolee Bry: .|blin, Dale Edward Hansen, Orton Stowell and Steven Earl Buckley, | lock, LuJe Wally M. Harper, Wayne Doug- Stuart. — GARY G. TAYLOR, Thomas {las Harper, Gary Joseph Hartz, Dean Elton Thomas, Harold Kenneth illiRex Brent Hayes, Haymes, Michael George Hen- Thompson, Edward Craig Thor-|C | of nessy, Dennis Hugh Hicken and sted, Dean Edward Tippets, Gary sates tee. Lede Robert Ste-, |Mark Douglas Hill. tinhetide 0 be Gilbert | Bischoff of Robert Brent Hilton, James W. | Phe |Holbert, Dennis DeVerle Holli| day, ‘William Noel Howard, Ray Lewis - Wang: G. Howe, Michael D. Hunsaker, Wertz, Curtis ; Gilbert James Hunt, Dick Brent|C 2 | Jardine, Randy Scott Jensen, Thitlock Lane L Michael Glen cock, ‘Robert ‘Dalton Johnson. Roland Williams, Richard i Caroll ‘Robert|. _Larry B. Johnson, iene AlAdams, Rex Lee Ahlmer, Steven vin Jorgensen, Richard Duane Wieanats Terrell William Wind- Lat Brent ‘Allred, Joseph William Kap, Harold Gambill Kern,’ Ray Anderson, ‘Ralph Glen An-| Keith Roland Keyes, Alan Kidderson, ‘Roger Allen Anderson, jman, Steven Elden Knudson, Sco tt Glen Anderson, Gary Steven Douglas Kofoed and LoBruce Barlow, Paul ‘Lee Ben- thar Eric Kososik. | | Kevin Jay Lane, Heron Wennett and Carl ‘Stacey. Berg. Bradford — Harvey Bingham, dell Larry, Douglas Ted Larsen, Gary Jack Bingham, Bobby George ‘Thomas Layton, Richard De ond, Brent W. Bouwhuis, King Lewis, William Brent Lews Bowden, Arthur Ran-|i is,Tom Gilbert Lowder, John y; , Blair Bingham’ Bur- Anthony Lopez, David W. Lund, "|Russell Lee Jensen and Hien) rent Paul ara , di Har- Jeffery Van Lynch, Renald | ‘Smit |Duwaine Mann, Blair Geddes. ‘Marsden, Dennis Robert Marsing avd Isaac Easton Martinez. Kyle Logan Mattson, Ralph J. J. Mayli , Clair ierth, Kei Dieter Gaekrell tierth and Rants Layne Moore. Scott Glen Collins, Tommy Lee Walter LeRoy Morrell, MiColunga, Dennis Ray Cook, chael William Morrison, Rickey | Bruce A. Corbridge, Julio Dona- |Samuel Mottes, Keith Norman} ciano Cortez, Michael Rod/Moulding, David Elmer Muir-} Crane, Max Dave Cutlip, Greg-|brook, Rex Floy: cFarland,| ory Taylor te Davis. Daich and eines Paul Wiiliam Nan |H. _ Nelson, Daniel ° 7 RSL ee |