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Show NUMBER THE NINE New Ace, Se COMPUTER Policy There has been a new at Ben policy may be the students a habit of being school without of admit. most at tk The new policy long in When absent from to occur differs these last the time. from ways: a person or absent proper change a 1. make probably for other to who the BL the This detrrmental ks drastic regular Lomond. routine some policy the with mingled was sick year, he would present his homeroom teacher by withan excuse writt either friend Now and a guardian receive students called and a the their en or an day he is response to REPORTS be indentified by a number, the computer center ‘REMEMBER THE GREATEST | DAYS OF YOUR LIFE admit. WITH A CLASS RING FROM and the is 2. his When school must office a an in SF student being FLASH! The Brodies woncS theRed : Cress: — Drive. This their first he must go get an admit student to he from the get into is to the office to into class. No is allowed after being tardy without an office. tardy, into = any absent admit Os des to student class the is win, Pe te % in- comes absent, admit order @ the Bon Bon Marche iS presenting “Hight of Your Life''for ever ¥ one from 15 to 25 years old, Saturday, Nov. 9, 1968, from Ato: Fo Ree. Feat’ res included in this evening of fun are a seventeen fashion show ''Who's Girl are You.'' This will be presented in the campus shop. In the ski shop a movie on the U.S. Olympic ski team "'A Taste of Victory'' will be shown by the Milers' of Snow Basin. KNAK disc jockey, Lyn Bryson will be broadcasting live from the stor and will be giving away 100 records. Many free ‘gifts’. will be given to some lucky prople and free coke will be ‘given to att The Mint |‘tizards and_ the Barracudas will furnish the music for the evening. ATTENTION: absent class. 3. in There will be a meeting for people—iheptan_tewrestte—hr— room 13, Wednesday right after school. This will be an organizational meeting. Regular wrestling practice will start Monday in the gym. FLASH! Mus iG it's Dennis Hicken says coming. excuse. after get B las 7 in Salt Lake. Saucth east quiry stu- beating the Juniors by a slim marain. of. 29¢: are the A CARDS dents will register for the class they desire by the subject's number. Report cards will be recorded from the home room teacher for the balance of this year. However, next year, report cards will be mailed to the students a parents NOV. 5, 1968 EXTRA Scotties, do you know why you filled out that IBM form? The reason is thisBen Lomond has been chosen as the school to prove the advantage of the computer report card. The present method of recording grades requires at least two weeks of shuffling grade cards on each individual student to each of his. teachers and back to the home room teacher for final recording. The computer report card program will handle all of these details and have them recorded in six hours. This method of reportinq arades prevents the student from Wheedling an unearned grade from a soft hearted teacher -The process of changing a grade once it has been recorded is complicated and time consuming, and a report card will be changed only if there has been an error in the recording of the grade. Beginning next year, each subject will _from just HIGHLANDER or from be rg est Dr um ¢ Guitar School name on base Nickname or Mascot Three initials engraved Choice of stones Order past, present or future year i dy , ‘Ou LE FS iy Downtown 2431 New 3675 Washington Gate Wall Center Ave. Wash. 393 -DAS Blvd. Stoffer coming. t Souring yA weE it's Ann Mee wae Open a Student Charge Account: ee FLASH! “ US VE WORLD?” ' says |