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Show PAGE TWO THE HIGHLANDER OGDEN | RECEIVES _APREL AWARD 17, 1969 Recentky Ogden High School was given an award for one of the finest offset papers in the nation. This award came from Columbia University in New York City. | | Ogden's journalism department receives our congratulation on their fine paper. And do does their printer. Many students have approached the newspaper stasé concerning this award. Why hasn't Ben Lomond won an award of this type? | The answer 48 an easy one. We started this school year with an offset press, $400, and a AAA} Of 7 members. The stag§ and advisor were instructed how to use the machine. We were all told that this is the kind of paper Ben Lomond would have. Dr. Gatner, now principal at Ogden High, was the man who instigated theidea Of using an ofgset press in the schools. This paper 4s the 20th that we have produced on our oun machine, doing OU own painting and typing. Ogden High School has printed 10 papers, two with their own offset printing press. They have a Staks of 35 members yet they still won't take the time to use the machine as we did. Dr. Garner has told them that next year they must use the machine but for now they coukd print progessionakly. We might mention that the papers they did on thetr own press, would have been lucky to receive Last place in competition. Ther watting has been very good but so has ours. The onky difference between our staffs is that we do the work ourselves tndtead of sending it to be done by a printer. We don't neceive awards for our paper, but we do receive the satisfaction of producing our own work. ee PARENT-TEACHER A Clean-Up Day will be Si This E R year's . | N Sterling GS SC Scholars H O a ARS are: A eee conference will be he!td on April 22 in the gym. School will be dismiss- sage ran 7". breakfast in the cafeteria will start the day. Clean-up projects have ed after 3rd period, when teachers will begin their preparation. Parents may come and just talk from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and from been scheduled by home rooms. Aproximately 1:00 p.m. a carnival will be held with food, games and lots of fun. The swim- OF ACE oe Coca cckoeness General Scholarship ee PN oes cieteuiobences Sctence Se och ecco x orn ogre oa mn sine omess Music REO CI aint ee weiner meters Mathematics BOTA ee cenree ot ome Foreign Language Fs ars ie ep cree wre ie cree eons Ant Makgaket MERC OYy. nc ecc ccinbesees Lele aces BUSLNCAS SUSE FUNDFeces cee ee ows Cees o. 2. .Home Living TRERLLSSA YOUNG. oon eee ecneecesse-Speech and Drama DR hc a ics Serena eden enters Sociak Science Ce ate kta a ana inmtinn sicsegprminseiic ania ani cs English / 7 p.m. t> 9p.m. This will mo BRIGHT. wre DWIGHT VOTE = A MAN Larry Vail 1s or) been Sophomore and has acle ; Dwight Brough is one of the candidates’ for student-body president. He would be a good leader because he has many qualities of a good leader. Dwight is a member of the Honor Socierty, he was on the football team, he was in the musical ''SouthPacific,'! on i ia oi, and and as everyone k knows, ~ champion root beer (eagie Mebbeica® A Winner Vote For Bruce Teeples You need a special person — 4 | FOR & really (Paid for great and him, Political Bruce dependable Teeples. Advertisement) open EXPERIENCE for S.B. president. that make a good president, S.B.P. Inter-clan te the South script Pacific, See has Vice-president, as the How They for the Junior He has He "Mir- Run," and Class Assembl _ been one of the few Junior boys that enough pride in the school to help with ecoratings and pep rallys. He has the ae ee to tae ae eee a PRESIDENT. , aoe , nil A GREAT SCHOOL = | VOTE - ~‘ (Paid political advertisement, VOTE FOR ¥ ATL ae Citizens for ; Vaik BRENT } ' For a Vice President who's enthusiastic and han working, vote Brent Prkkington. He 45 well informed and knows the responsrbalcties of an office. He has done an excetLent job as Junior ~ Chass President and would Like to continue working for the schook and his fellow classmates. The man to vote for the job, Who really likes all peroples ls be =, VOTE WELL SPENT For President of the school. A person who is dependable One who's really ccol. Vote al WITH taken part in such activities Worker, oo ay sal amare Se ae DENT ESBODY as_ the schoo . Adeercisenent) will VAT running the qualifications Dwight really has the desire to serve next sutdnt-body president and wishes this to go to the top of the state. ming pool be the first conference and agirls track meet of its kind and students will be held. Work tic_______are__askec to encourage__kets will be required for their parents to come and admission to the activimeet the teachers. tres. et | ; "PAID, | POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT |