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Show May 2, 1969 ey stableful of ihe f7 sters to literally afternoon i in “ engl unty track and ¥ ber St tips ¢ We d speed-’ di run the rest The a “Sta. Scots ldihiayed Fo fi 73%. Weber was next i of the field into the turf Thurs- dous team strength in racking with 66, followed by Roy line 31% and Bonneville with 22. By ME Ben ‘its iy, victory, mf d. jum as ih © ati for the a and the Sao will have a. load of runners ae might hav gunning for next Friday’s title. the meet record of inches on a cal - ONE NEW RECORD SEVERE BLOW | There was- only” ipl new record Set. ate, Roy suffered a severe blow when its ace hurdler and broad. jumper, Bobby Cox was forced out of Friday’s meet with an injury. Cox injured an ankle in ech traced around the| Thursday’s pole vault finals and break the old was forced to the sidelines. It isi not known whether or not the ankle will heal in time for next. Green ia won the 100-yard week’s region meet. | jdash in 10 flat, nipping Ogden High’s Sylvester Daniels at the ha 1 Nye “w, ur — 1 wire. The smooth-running Scot (Rs 15 Maree a (GL), Mubrook (s, {00 Geen (BL), Daniels also won the 440 going away in McGarry (0), K R), (0), ull (@)Teyor Gea, {the swift time of 50.9. On ThursMile—Cardwel! | (R), Walk (BL),og2. (i), day, Green set a new record in he Bcotan (B), Kendall w) the trials, running the distance oun. (0), Alt (BL), Mus: brave (B), Peters in 50.6. a (BL); 50 feet9 2 inches. ee Ben Lomond also had another AO Glee (BL), Cray tndon double winner in Dale Slade Oe Olsen ‘tw, who captured both hurdle 50 Wel Ithuis (BL events. In the 180-yard low hur- (W), Smith (B), Child. (BL), idles, the Scots racked up 14 Oe220—Thompson McGarry (0), F ‘total. points as they won first, io hurdles—Slade: third, fourth and fifth in the Jardine (BL), oo event. pee (W );’ DF.A 3 Da Harold Thompson, another| 0), a ney "Whrr a |Ben Lomond swiftee, pulled an|i "nvlineFrrin (0), thanide (BL), | |upset in the 220 when he beat mann (B), Hubb d (BL), Shaw (W); 194 4, inches. |Ogden’s Daniels to the wire in the time of 22.2. Thompson’s pon “ay, Discus Bott (B), Bexel (BL), (0 )); Gremillion (W), Barson Da vis (0); ee feet | winning time was only “two-|" inc ne LOMOND’S George Green races to an: easy Dake va victory tenths of a second off the meet, r the in the 440. Green ran the pancrs 00:9 | a POCHNG: I1 iwi) ade | Be ), ands Morris ity-Counnty track meet. In the Hig jump—=M he set a ee record of 50.6. f als uur a “ong jump. Weber’s mee "Parr (W),. cox (R), phe _ Fawson (BL), Booth ae ee 8 tats uirbroa Tie! wy, Chadwick (BY), Rivas CoN ‘Hurst (B); |¢ is neh Medley aa (Zimmerman, fie. Cardwelk Hien), Cape ond, Weber den, Bonneville; 3:4 j Mile. relay—Weber _ Bisa. c Lien, | Cree ane Roy, Bonne le | 880 relay—Ben Lomond (Gi i" Sinee, Thommen Greene); Ogden, Bonneville, Weber, Roy; 1:31. 3. (New meet record), | |