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Show You WA Prat Win ie. VOLUME. oa Io 16 eo te ROTC MEO | Am OU CHOOSFS a tenet OCDE, UTAH,$ Savin Gnnemn = pane! eealen OFFICERS The new Battalion Officers for the coming year have been decided on. The Senior Officers in command for this year are as follows: Battalion Commander Dennis Rattalion Cadet he long-awaited “Iron Len Lomond Wich. because homecomina, this week is ful of the year. Colonel Holliday Executive Officer Cadet This year marks the 1th anniversary of Len Lomond and Sgden Hich Schools for the trophy. Major Paul the Master SargeantkPhil Maior Prankins, of cheerleaders ,Shauna and frodies and will ichlighting the week de- will be the annual assembly ‘ttention: srct Feperter Fiaktine, thriller vanay Attention: Jimmy here for the “en Seots. with “ur came exciterent “usselliran © was in wds. teuchdown makine the Prigst cuarter. The The iver Mut eo an the and a4 primary election. two candidates for of ‘ice-President Judd and other for and Secretary. Tarri “'illiams the office of candidates for narrowed down to Pam ing The both the “score action= Ist scored an in. Brodies offices Debbie will onose each Vice-President/ Secretary have been Kessler and Connie easy for and mede senicr, was 2ruce -feal the the kigked a 19-6, Ls now “iloert. acood with Scots. Pear extra soint. 12 vd. fayer. Scots. a th 1b “o you've had the on the srot news friendly resorter. Sianina off. From be your | heel. a o Deb. meoegir TD pot AMEE? 7 will The Score! in vote, it leadina the Kenny ffetd | . like drs imnressive Hurst. Kenny Hyatt is running unonosed for President. Unless there is a write - looks "rodies nacked cuerter. secre “-% at the end ef the nd auarter resulted in a Bn was not so teuchdown Cortez, Tne cee end of the. anme had “ear Ziver Pears tackline rithert amd Slade inze ne, scoring ? satteys.. Sut Rls areat defense held and we tock the came ale reat victory for the ven Lomond friendly, Ticait= ldarsk, fey iA “Voed ond half scored a ~ulio coal. ob to Jet here. On the Lomend friendly”, yd. run hv senior, (yeah seniors!) Falf-time left the Scots feelina the scere 12=°, the ‘sophomores a point be at this time, he tron Horse," whitch is now ta the custedy of ien Lomend, will be displayed. Follovine the essembly, Eye KreKorTr whl) take “lace st 3°30 p.m. tO officially oren the same. ? Pee nesday as on Friday. ‘any prominent neovle will de tlie mresentations from the schocl. /Isco LOMON DEFEATS TFAR PIVER Sy ccunt 10th. on Oct. held be held sixth period on hand alono with Cornwell , L to K— Connie Kessit(.. Kepaeg gat “hittier, Trorhy. Ssirit the will which Ficarra Melvin direction Cn ‘ednesday evening, a dance will be held in the Scats' cym. Everyone is invited and admission is 25¢ or dance clan card. This dance will take the plece of the usual’ Sock Hon" Rifle TeamCadet Major Danny 8arnes Judo TeamCadet Captain Jerry Carter First Aid Team- Cadet Major Barry Phillips Saraeant the Ruskins, tcward Hadley The instructors in the R.Q.T.C. partment thig,year will be: Under the battle between coveted Iron Horse Letty Saunders, Jocelyn Chow, Alene Fead, Sandy Tracy, and Lyn Goddard, per rallys Reve been planned for each mornine before scnool. A pnoster and hall decorating contest will also ke held. fll posters anu decorations must be up no later than ‘'ednesday mernins. Competition will be between The various Team Commanders for the coming year have also been’ decided. They are as follows: Drill TeamCadet Captain Gary Liptrot Color GuardJoint Command under Cadet Major Loring Draper Cadet Verse leek". opens next Monday at of the school rulina of having no one of the busiets and most event- j Lt. Colonel David Paterson Battalion Commandant Cadt Lt. Colonel Stephen Foulger and = Me | Vv |