Title |
1968-1969 Ben Lomond High School Scrapbook |
Creator |
Ben Lomond High School |
Contributors |
Available through grant funding by the Utah State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. |
Description |
Since 1953, students at Ben Lomond High School have been creating scrapbooks. These books document the memories of the students each year. The scrapbooks hold a snapshot and time capsule of each student body. Each one contains photographs, newspaper articles and a written yearly history. |
Subject |
Students; Education; Ogden (Utah); Ben Lomond High School (Ogden, Utah) |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original |
1968; 1969 |
Date |
1968; 1969 |
Date Digital |
2016 |
Temporal Coverage |
1953-1999 |
Item Size |
9 x 11.5 in. Hardbound scrapbook covered in red fabric with black, yellow, green, blue and white plaid pattern. 2.5 in. spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/11788968, 41.22809, -111.96766 |
Type |
Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications |
TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi by Erich Goeckeritz with an Epson Expression 100000XL scanner. OCR by Alexandra Park using ABBYY Reader. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Digital image copyright 2016, Ben Lomond High School |
Source |
Ben Lomond High School Library |
Format |
application/pdf |
ark:/87278/s6tcyb6s |
Setname |
wsu_blhs |
ID |
12125 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6tcyb6s |
Title |
The Highlander - BenLomond_1968-69_068 |
Creator |
Ben Lomond High School |
Contributors |
Available through grant funding by the Utah State Library and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. |
Description |
Since 1953, students at Ben Lomond High School have been creating scrapbooks. These books document the memories of the students each year. The scrapbooks hold a snapshot and time capsule of each student body. Each one contains photographs, newspaper articles and a written yearly history. |
Subject |
Students; Education; Ogden (Utah); Ben Lomond High School (Ogden, Utah) |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Date Original |
1968; 1969 |
Date |
1968; 1969 |
Date Digital |
2016 |
Temporal Coverage |
1953-1999 |
Item Size |
9 x 11.5 in. Hardbound scrapbook covered in red fabric with black, yellow, green, blue and white plaid pattern. 2.5 in. spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/11788968, 41.22809, -111.96766 |
Type |
Text; Image/StillImage |
Conversion Specifications |
TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi by Erich Goeckeritz with an Epson Expression 100000XL scanner. OCR by Alexandra Park using ABBYY Reader. JPG and PDF files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
Digital image copyright 2016, Ben Lomond High School |
Source |
Ben Lomond High School Library |
OCR Text |
Show 896 E s r ayx!, Hull ou, rT "neaung aq 942 uaeq 400d iat ss ¥ 942 yBnosy2 . e1eg elep "nod ayi e yaeSs ax%1, ul noA ajdoed 10281694 OYM 1a6 Jo , ued , nod saweu ou INO ajdoad 9y} = s! asow e49uL aul Bulpul4y jo aJep e ySeNbe1 sjenpiAipul oq |I{IM UOIJeWIOJU! FLY uUauUM JUaUSsesuequa 03 ay2 plo} ase Aey. Jey 419410 YOee YIM seHeuew ay. Aq jeljuapijyuod Yday ‘neesng NOA Aew saloy2 soy ode;d pue YIM uo peydieW 4noA awi} Oy} NOA JOS 0} zou pasd04d ‘UOSJed pjnoys pjnoys 7eu} no, no) Aew Aew e ynd ssAauaeyM mMeapyiyIM | |y ppe seweu oF Pj Nom asnw asow oq BIepP nod eu e sy!I| WO44 Ajesouw azeg ‘49351694 942 seweu 4nd neaing y asddWiin Eee eg ee ene sI Uedo P 404 fUIIM !iqeydje 0} nesing suosied a4e YeYyI 19e}4 3Y42 SHpejmouy2e pue yoom e UlYyaIM {416 e pesapisuod eq |{!M NOA 4o ‘adU0 YsSea| 3e UOS4ed anoA aweu psed awos swiqAue 41noA noA By SSeUISMG MOlaq pue “aut qAue'asi| aweu pUue pez! uo yDeq 02 jo 94} ay. UI doi WOOK snoA BUO SHL UO Hulpuoode "YsSimM ssajun jo Sst} nod ‘uosiad Asyi gous 2YS4ly ervey e pue "97ep alepep pPylNomM noA ptNoYys Aue A e241 {IM sweu 39272 JO "psed AJaAS YsSGNVIHDIH unod Aepseny ‘p4ed 942 pue YUOOUJE}4e ay} "SWEUINS Sseweu WO1} WelXd Gs i "ede;d pue owl} e421 ebuesse 02 Si oUOp 9q 0} 242 payse Apessje sey oy ‘|e 4saz4Jy *“SzUeWabUeIIe UlYyZIM 416 ay, 39eZU09 AOU seop Aoqg ey} 4{ "sp4ed 4194} uo sweu noA jnd {{Im Ady. JYeYyI OS Sway a9y%!1,| NOA MoUy IIM 0} Yeads pue aj!ws pue 1095 Ajpusl4y e eq 3SNW NO) *pooysoqyBieu unod ul ye Yow eAeY NOA ajdoed ‘ul ose NOA sasse;d owes ay} Ul ae OYM ajdoad ‘nod ey2 p4ued uol1es}s!Hau snoA uo 4si| ‘neaing ay} woss sijnses jseq 106 oF 4eze016 Aq uorqewsoju!l S1y} 24y ‘NeeANg ey} yo IM ei a Ss! jJuewejea ay2 oq jo pene 4noA “4ebeuew uaym AjUO Ajutejseoun om} sesueyd OF 03° poaydzew *340ds OS *paseisibe1 oy usymM ayep e 40¥ say Wiy 33e}U0D Pl NoYs eys usyi ‘yeemM e ajdoed yey, Os ‘auoAsane pue “ydanys ze ‘Aseulwes Mou OYM ejdoad jo soweu S$! 7eY47 |e oyy syeW pue Ob & aAeYy JNO 92ep Jo swijAue oy} noA ajdoed OFZ VV AYIA OF "ysim YIM Aey} uey} pue fealep e 40}¥ ey} 79e}U0D pinoys Aoq ay, YFIM E47 NO, noA "OEE d3d01I90 |
Format |
application/pdf |
Setname |
wsu_blhs |
ID |
17946 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6tcyb6s/17946 |