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Show "BEN LOMOND ap ey SCHOOL " THE MrGiLAD ER Se ee 4 So eee The Honer Inducts Society year 1968-69. '. ¢ Ges the approval ee other teachers” as is Dwight - C, Eileen of your ee as its have Brent == *—s Michael Raleigh Horspool Hunt Chris Rasmussen Valerie Rasmussen Jensen Ruth Robinson Jensen. Linda Brough’. Pat Reed Johnson Kathleen Betty Jones Jan - Georgiann. Bush "Mike Kearney Mike Capener' . = Steven Kofoed _» Chad Checketts .. Rich Clifford _*. Kathy, Conley ‘Louise =. Gregory Daich| Paulette Daich Fawn Dawson Marte Edwards ° TH Melee: Young, ‘Snow r tiead: of 1968, enjoys herself. i “OF THE| David played ° “Meg in and appeared ee as =— Loren Scott Sandra Stewart Lucinda Stuart Laura Swenson Dovglas Taggart Janice Thompson Carole Thorsted Naanes Nicholson Sandra Tracy Dar Walker Liklason Ogden Ed Walker Shaunna Whittier Rerae Pagel Mike Williams Lee Ann Parsons —-« Brent John Wolthuis Pilkinton Sherry Shoemaker Slade Joan Smith Muirbrook _ Debbie Frecker “) ss Barbara Alvin Gabrielsen Jr. DeWayne ee “Thelissa a: heen: “active” ‘te EC denE affaire. Kathleen Hansen etaee her sophomore year. As a Brodie, she was an. paid coca active thespian, . She Marsden ' Dona McFarland ~~ “Doug Mcllratk | > Keith Montierth _. Renae Muir | November s s Student of the. Month is. Thelissa Michael R. Gibson = ome Miss Young earned ‘this: ‘honor: En eqnatoure DeAnna Gilgen =——s es service to the school, 7 yes _ Jody L. Grant _ Denise Hadley. the school musical, e as “Our Town" Diane Janice McAllister ‘Shannon wlackigan - Jia Schultz Wendy Seppich = Leicht ..——<“‘zBais Saunders Schneiter Joanne Lundell _——Dalle Todd’ C, Cummings. for a 3.5 aver- home room teacher and two the consent of your parent. ..—- Karen » Nae new members you must Kathy Hill oe Brom. 27, 1968 Rae chosen ie - Roxan -.).. Grace Madelyn Bond. -) . Dawn Briggs has To join, _ Karen Sue kdces . .' Sharon Austad — s Sandra: Austin aunts wv . Honor Sextety, S/he, a. oe rere meee Thelissa Young Price myfe ‘Brigadoon, Mebecca . (Gib™ “ biheoy: Wise DANCE a ene pond vida. of, . Jr, Cinna Vice Presidenc was be . Effective Dec. 2, 1968, the The Thanksgiving dance Wa sie cenatutiy filled. by Thelissa, | She was incharge library will have a procedure will be held tonight - of the highly successful class assembly, ' She also for over due books. Students from 8 to 11 P.M. : ~~ yeceived an ‘Excellent” Rating at. the: state drama_ will be given three days after The Lonely Bulls will e eereernhe: Beg ae the book is dueto bring in the provide the music. | cs This year Theliden. its: 2 Bonnie. Laaste’ oad very. ~ enthusiastic. one, She can ‘be seen . singing. anddancing | in Pep: Assemblies, This ‘Christmaswill gee: Thelissa_ playing Christmas: Pay eo a : Jack=TavFhe=tiox tS nae in the Po 2 book, without being fined. If at that time the book is still not: brought: in, a fine will be charged. from the original due date, at 2¢ a day. tS! Inquiring Dress for girls will Editor con- be skirts and sweaters, ow oes on test - Thaltsca | hee ‘pauly he’ ‘student body. : active been’ an -fapor tant: 3part Her. SEETECe has. peawed last Sat. Involved were: Morreli, Louise Witt, Ray Etcheverry, Lorraine Merrill, of) Gail her. =e Scot. — Kevin oo _.CHRISTMAS,_ OPEN “Visions of Sugar Plums” this: year’ "s. Christmas — 5, from 7 to ' the Oper Kouse are Vieky Booth, under’ the and = of to be held Dec. 4 Karen ment will ‘chairman Saand. Louis: this holiday direction of Maddock, slacks and shirts are in order for the boys. The dance is either stag or _ the and Selwice, entertainment ho ho Dennis ho' S, date. : with three inches Hicker, and Dennis the direc- “Holiday, event. Decor- “The choral depart ew House. "Santa Clauses-gifts etcht Renae Champneys Wick Vatesnard. provide 2 deaved by Ula “co-chairman. ‘for ations be: the: ‘theme 9 Pa ms “Susan Purdy. is the te wae Free movie passes and turkeys will be given away during a half hour intermission. ‘The hone | ‘ew = of wate: many economics ‘rs. Ospital idens for department, under and Mrs, Sycarore.will Christmas gifts and prc- foods.. — |