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Show February 21, 1969 Vinger, H assell Get if ity ty fy hae oem ==> = = oem ey meee SS eee nedeaneants eine ae mm ge ae ‘ead football perce posi- (uated Soon Preston: High School! a Idaho, where he | won Alltions at Ogden and Ben icon honors, High Schools were filled today|* “He. began his” coaching with the appointment of two reer at Monticello High School well ‘known area coaches. jin 1940, then spent four years ‘Tra Winger, veteran junior in theU. S. Navy. In 1945, he} high football coach, has been|pte hig long Ogden, school sysnamed head football coach: at} career at Lewis Junior +a High School, and Jim!| Hi 1 in 1946, ac +a the posi Hassell, former Weber State ‘at Mound College star, was appointed to -. Winger is biaertel to. the’ the head football bey at Beir : mer Loraine Anderson of Lomond High School. mticello. The Pie has sev“The appointments were an. en, children. a nounced today by Ogden City MOVES UP oe Schools Superintendent’ Dr. T: Leal O: Smith _ Mr? Hassell has served as an Mr. Winger replaces _ wa a assistant coach under Mr. Kap past two seasons, acting as Christensen, who resigned Ogden High post recently | to}! head defensive ‘coach. Mr. Kap canbentiate on driver’s educa- resigned the head coaching potion and remedial reading - in- ‘sition after the Tillie adstruction. Mr. Hassell re aces season to ee me adAlan Kap, who is now serving ministrative duties at Ben Lomond as ae Prior»:to coming to Ben Lo-| principal. mond, Mr. Hassell was an on Mr. Winger has been a stic- sistant football bus at yhesla cessful junior high coach in the High School,+ ng as defenOgden City system for many sivel Coach under head coach char He has produced several Dick: Gonolly. “eat eared teams at Mound Mrsassell. eichited his coachFort Junior High, and during ing career at South Junior High the past seven years at High- School and’ led his team to two land Junior High School has consecutive Weber Cou nty won the a3 ae high cham- championships and two undetimes and tied feated seasons. for the ile ee WEBER GRADUATE _A 1939 New Head Coach graduate of Utah State! ~. University inger won varsity . Hassell is a 1958 graduate of letters inT oothall three seasons Weber High School where te S a quarterback. Winger grad- lettered in football for three’ seasons under coach Mel Wood. | In 1964, Mr. Hassell graduated from Weber State College where he lettered in football four sea-_ sons, winning All-Conference honors as a tackle his senior yea Mr. Hassell is married to the former Penny Williams of Clear- field. The couple has two children” |