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Show ge one. i —- ee ef rae7, 2 = e = ee Parmar ete ee ee _t cOr ee ae Se ————__—— a ee 1961| Dr. Lionel G Drechsel re placed Dr. McAllister, who left to fill a city school position. AND TRADITION of LOMOND HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY BEN - Ground-breaking Lomond Ben for ceremonies held were School High the on Au- stuyears later the first two 1951; 20, gust 16. Our building dents entered on Septemberfollowing January. the was dedicated during HS Nearly ja block long, BL cost $1,775,000 e for 1200 students. Th ty ci pa ca the d ha and cllment totaled 743. Fa first school year enro on were polled at 30. —ulty and administrati ng, electronics shop Tn 1960 a northeast wi constructed. Ben Loand science wing were a assrooms plus shops, cl 61 has w no nd mo rium, and a gym. Its rifle range, an audito e pres- students. Th capacity has risen to 1800 at 1700. Our faculty ds an st nt me ll ro en ent — nistration number 77. and admi st assembly eleven The Scots held their fir n High School audiyears ago in the Ogde cted Dennis Stettler, torium, where they ele Norman Standing, Harry Russell as Ellen student Larsen, body and officers. Board appointed The Ogden City School principal and RobDr. Ellis S. McAllister as During as assistant-principal. ert H. Alley eG During Ben Lomond’s first year a student | initiated and chairman planning committee new symbols and emblems for our school which became part of B.L.’s rich tradition. new The — committee ) chose the Scotti cottish Royal Stuart plaid as our official dress because the aa —— a fighting clan, was the most erful and respected family 1 : tury Scotland. ee Our school colors, red, white , and columhki blue, were taken from the Stuart plaid. They represent the fierce pride of the Scottish high- land i ane ce the national os of the good spirit old Ben Lomond’s constitutionnn w was drafted and passes by student body approval. It stands toid as the basis of our school government. very local Scots should know the constitu: provides. e . free eedoms In Sens for which it 1955 the NVwords of, th e school 1 age by J. F. Giroux, and the school Se y Richard Packham, were adopted. Both of these me for several years. n taught at Ben —61— Lomond |