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Show Monday, August 17 high schools will be as follows: The bookstore will be By ‘BOB AGEE | —Ben Lomond High: Seniors, during registration and stu Is of the Ogden and Monday, 1-3 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.; are requested to purchase | ng ol districts are getjuniors, Tuesday, 9 a.m. to noon before school starts. rT for about 33,000 chil- and from 1-3 p.m.; for sophoSophomores must bring’ to 1 | the opening of the 1964- mores on Tuesday an orientation school nurse the complete ni assembly will be held at 9 a.m. grade reports from their d year. and registration will be held tors and dentists an TRATION LISTED afterward. Sophomores are to tion of county stu- bring their doctor’s reports if their immunizations. —Central Junior: -be as follows: this was not done in the ninth dents who have mov high, ninth grade, grade. chth grade, Tuesday |. FEES DUE end of school last ih grade, Wednesday, New students will register be- ister from 9 a.m. ne hours of 6 and tween now and Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 3 to Aug. 22, between the and Tuesday, They shoul high seniors, Wednes- Monday hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. At , Aug. 20 and sopho- the time of registration the. stug. 21, all from 6 to dents are to pay for their stu- incoming seventh gre registered last sprin J the county secondary dent body cards and gym lock- not to report until il run about $7, de-| er fee of $5 and $1 respectively. day of school, Au —Ogden High School: Monday, sophomores to attend orien-|- On that day eig assembly at 9 a.m.; Aug. graders will separ to the _ that receipts will be ) tation at 8:45 a.m. and s assessments are paid. 18, registration for sophomore ers at 1 p.m. in the chool registration will students whose last names start with the letters A through M, $1.50 STUDEN ednesday from 3 to 6 i Weber District Ele- 9 am. to 11 am.; students All students should schools except Mar-|.”whose names start with N pared to pay the , where the special through Z will register from 1 fe e. p.m. to 3 p.m. rion ol ae held Aug, 20| ‘ —Highland Junior I ear Junior registration will be day and Tuesday, Aug. 20, A through M 9 a.m. to ( ie ie have moved 11 am., N through Z1p.m. to from 9 a.m, to 11 attendance area or from 1 p.m, to 3 p p.m. Bae. Aug. 21, A through who registered las will go to their new cluding incoming s § and register on the M, 9 a.m. to li am., N through ers, will report as p.m. to3 p.m. | and pick up their Students new to the Ogden rriott, director, elecards as follows: cation, said that the District should contact the gistration does not schools immediately. eighth graders, 1 SPECIAL FEES se students who are seventh graders, 9 it attendance area A student body fee of $5 is a.m., on Aug. 21, = of a district required of everyone. Students —Mound ae jregistered for ROTC, including oxi Rely 15,000 children all sophomore boys, will pay al. enro! lled in the county’s $5 fe nS, ich| 18,0 this year, ‘registra- which se ar ock deposit of| - Pucaeetwhen} stntdenis Junior and senior the lock is returned. Aug.2 to report a |