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Show General Education General Education Area RequirementsThe General Education Program described in the following sections is required of all students who receive a bachelor degree from Weber State College To provide the broadest possible background in general education the selection of courses should depend upon the high school preparation. The student who has done well in a high school course in a given field should not select a course that might repeat essentially the same subject matter. Humanities Area Bachelor of Arts: Select 15 credit hours from at least 4 groups. Bachelor of Science: Select 9 credit hours from at least 2 groups. Bachelor of General Studies: Select 8 credit hours from at least 2 groups. (One literature course is required for all three degrees) Groups: I. Art-Art 101, Introduction to Art (3) Art 105, Basic Drawing (3) Art 301, History of ArtPaleolithic through Roman (3) Art 302, History of ArtByzantine through Renaissance (3) Art 303, History of ArtBaroque through Modern (3) II. Communication Com 102, Principles of Public Speaking (3) Com 112, Introduction to Mass Communication (3) Com 111, Introduction to Discussion and Parliamentary Law (3) III. Dance HU169, Introduction to Dance (3) IV. Foreign Language Foreign Language classes 201, 202, 203, Intermediate (3) (3) (3) Foreign Language classes 214, 215, 216, Conversation (2) (2) (2) Foreign Language class 302, Culture and Civilization (3) Foreign Language classes 304, 305, 306, Third Year Composition and Grammar (3) (3) (3) Spanish 303, Culture and Civilization of Spanish America (3) V. For Honors Students Honors 110, Contemporary Issues (2) Honors 153, An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Humanities (4) Honors 331, The Intellectual Tradition of Man (4) Honors 332, The Intellectual Tradition of Man (4) Honors 333, The Intellectual Tradition of Man (4) VI. Literature --English 232, Introduction to Fiction (3) English 233, Introduction to Drama (3) English 234, Introduction to Poetry (3) English 235, Biography (2) English 250, Introduction to Literature (3) English 251, 252, 253, Masterpieces of American Literature (3) (3) (3) English 260, Masterpieces of English Literature, Beginnings to 1800 (3) English 261, Masterpieces of English Literature, 1800 to Present (3) English 368, Shakespearean Tragedies (5) English 369, Shakespearean Comedies and Histories (5) English 360, English Novel (3) English 374, Literature of the Bible (5) Finnish 311, 312, 313, Introduction to Finnish Lit. (3) (3) (3) French 311, 312, 313. Introduction to French Lit. (3) (3) (3) 18 General Education German 311, 312, 313, Introduction to German Lit. (3) (3) (3) Portuguese 311, 312, 313, Introduction to Portuguese Lit. (3) (3) (3) Scandinavian 311, 312, Introduction to Scandinavian Lit. (3) (3) Spanish 311, 312, 313, Introduction to Spanish Lit. (3) (3) (3) Spanish 314, 315, 316, Introduction to Spanish Am. Lit. (3) (3) (3) VII. Music Music 101, Introduction to Music (3) Music 301, Great Epochs in Music (3) Music 302, Great Epochs in Music (3) VIII. Philosophy-Philosophy 101, Introduction to Philosophy (5) Philosophy 112, Man and Values (5) Philosophy 350, Philosophy of Western Religions (3) or Philosophy 355, Philosophy of Eastern Religions (3) Philosophy 415, Aesthetics (5) IX. Theatre Arts-Theatre Arts 101, Survey of Theatre (3) Theatre Arts 102, Survey of Cinema (3) Theatre Arts 103, Introduction to Acting (3) Theatre Arts 111, Introduction to Theatre (3) Theatre Arts 401, Survey of Theatre History (5) Theatre Arts 420, Creative Dramatics (2) Life Science Area Bachelor of Arts: Select 9 credit hours combined Life Science and Physical Science. One course in each area. Bachelor of Science: Select 9 credit hours in Life Science from at least 2 groups. Bachelor of General Studies: Select 8 credit hours from at least 2 groups. Groups: I. Botany 140, Environmental Appreciation (3) Botany 341, Conservation (4) Zoology 342, Natural History (4) Zoology 380, History of the Life Sciences (3) II. Botany 101, Plants in Human Affairs (3) Botany 110, General Botany (5) Botany 160, Local Flora (4) Botany 361, Woody Plants and Man (4) III. For Honors Students Honors 151, An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Life Sciences (4) IV Microbiology 111, Introductory Microbiology (5) Microbiology 115, Elementary Public Health (4) Microbiology 374, Sanitation (4) V. Zoology 230. Heredity (5) VI. Zoology 160 General Zoology (5) Zoology 211, Invertebrate Zoology (5) Zoology 212, Vertebrate Zoology (5) VII. Zoology 201, Human Physiology (5) Physical Science Area Bachelor of Arts: Select 9 credit hours combined Life Science and Physical Science. One course must be Physical Science. Bachelor of Science: Select 9 credit hours in Physical Science from at least 2 groups. 19 |