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Show Humanities Theatre Arts 225. Stage Makeup (2) Makeup theory and practice. Students assigned to current plays as makeup assistants. Two 2-hour labs a week. W 241, 243. First Year Design (3-3) Theory and practice of basic theatre-oriented design elements. Prerequisite: Theatre Arts 115. AW 245. Costume Construction (3) An introduction to the equipment, materials, and techniques used in the execution of stage costumes. One 2-hour lecture and two 2-hour labs a week. W 286. Theatre Practicum <l-2) Practical experience in theatre production. Students registering are required to make advance application to a faculty member before credit will be approved. May be repeated for a maximum of 10 hours combined upper and lower division credit. A W S Su 290. Commedia Players (1-2) Rehearsal and performance of Commedia Players Children's Theatre productions on and off campus. Audition required for enrollment. May be repeated for credit. A W S Su 292. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6) In order to provide flexibility and to meet many different needs, a number of specific offerings are possible using this catalog number. When the number is used it will be accompanied by a brief and specific descriptive title. The specific title with the credit authorized for the particular offering will appear on the student transcript. A W S Su 293. Theatre Laboratory (2) Experimental Theatre activities not geared for public presentation. May be repeated for a total of 10 hours of combined lower and upper division credit. A W S Su 312, 313. Third Year Performance Preparation (3-3) Study and performance in various aspects^ of theatre such as experimental drama, musical comedy, dialogue, and dialect. Prerequisite: Theatre Arts 213. (Offered 1978-79 and alternate years.) W S 315. Interpretation and Performance of Classic Drama (3) Analyzing various classic playwrights with emphasis on Shakespeare. One hour of lecture and two 2-hour labs a week. (Offered 1978-1979 and alternate years.) A 339. Lyric Theatre Production Techniques (3) A detailed study of musical theatre, and the practical application of skills, techniques, and materials necessary for production in secondary schools. Also listed under MU339. 341. Second Year Design (3) Relating designs to needs of the play, the director, and the actor. Prerequisite: Theatre Arts 241, 243. (Offered 1977-78 and alternate years.) W 343. Stage Lighting (3) Consideration of lighting techniques and design, use of color and form on the stage. Prerequisite: Theatre Arts 117. (Offered 1978-1979 and alternate years.) S 344. Lyric Theatre (1-2) Study of traditional and contemporary operatic literature through rehearsal and performance of complete operas and musical comedies. Membership by consent of instructor. (May be repeated for credit.) Also listed under MU344. 351. Costume History (5) A survey of the history of fashion for the stage from primitive times to the present. Recom- mended to be taken before Theatre Arts 354. (Offered 1978-79 and alternate years.) A 354, 355. Costume Design (3-3) Theory and practice of stage costume design. W S HU401. Survey of Theatre History (5) A survey of growth and development of the theatre from ancient Greek to modern. (Offered 1977-78 and alternate years.) S 411, 412. Stage Direction (3-3) Theory combined with practical assignments. Students to direct at least one short play. (Offered 1977-78 and alternate years.) W S 415. Theatre Management (3) Principles and practices of theatre management. (Offered 1978-79 and alternate years.) A HU420. Creative Dramatics (3) Theories and practices of creative drama related to classroom and playground. Especially recommended for students of recreation, secondary and elementary education. A 421. Advanced Creative Dramatics (3) Creative Dramatics applied to playground and classroom. Laboratory experience with groups typical of playground, secondary and elementary classroom. One 1-hour lecture and two 2-hour labs per week. (Offered 1978-79 and alternate years.) S Su 425. Children's Theatre (3) Theory and skills in producing theatre for children by adults. Needs and responses of young children; dramatic techniques related to this specialized field. S 471. Teaching Theatre in Secondary School (3) Prerequisite: Admission to Theatre teaching program. (Offered 1978-79 and alternate years.) A 483. Directed Reading (1-3) A W S Su 486* Theatre Practicum (1-3) Same as 286 but for upper division credit. A W S Su 487. Individual Design Projects (1-3) Supervised scene or costume design project; on an advanced level. May be repeated for a maximum of five hours. Must be approved by department coordinator. A W S 488. Individual Performance Projects (1-3) Supervised performance or directing projects or an advanced level. May be repeated for a maximum of five hours. Must be approved by department coordinator. A W S 489. Touring Theatre (1-2) Preparation and presentation of plays prepared for tour in and out of state. (Five hours maximum applied toward graduation.) A W S Su 490. Commedia Players (1-2) Rehearsal and performance of Commedia Player Children's Theatre productions on and off campus. Audition required for enrollment. May be repeated for credit. A W S Su 492. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6 In order to provide flexibility and to meet man; different needs, a number of specific offering are possible using this catalog number. When the number is used it will be accompanied by a brief and specific descriptive title. The specific title with the credit authorized for the particular offering will appear on the student transcript A W S Su 493. Theatre Laboratory (2 Same as 293 but for upper division credit. A W S Su 499. Senior Seminar (2 Special study and assigned reports supplemented by group critique. To be taken senior year. 172 THE SCHOOL OF NATURAL SCIENCES Department of Botany 174 Department of Chemistry 178 Department of Geology and Geography 182 Department of Microbiology 189 Department of Physics 191 Department of Zoology 196 Pre-Professional Programs 198 Pre-Medicine 198 Pre-Dentistry 199 Pre-Veterinary Medicine 199 Pre-Pharmacy 199 173 |