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Show Humanities Art DEPARTMENT OF ART Richard Van Wagoner, Chairman Professors, Charles A. Groberg, James R. McBeth, Richard Van Wagoner; Associate Professors, Arthur R. Adelmann, Dale W. Bryner, Fred S. Rabe, Doyle M. Strong; Assistant Professors, David N. Cox, Samuel H. Moya. The Department of Art offers a teaching major in Art, a major in Communications Art, and a departmental major in Art with specializations in painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry design, textiles, and photography. Students wishing to teach in secondary schools should consult the chairman of the department concerning required classes, electives, and possible minors. Program: Art Department Honors Major I. General Requirements: A. Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete at least 10 hours of General Honors courses. II. Specific Requirements: A. In fulfilling requirements for an Art major, take at least twenty hours of Art courses on an honors basis, with a minimum of two hours in Art 490-491 taken on an honors basis as an Honors Senior Project. B. In the case of the Teaching Art Major, the Departmental Art Major and the Communications Art Major, any upper division art course may be taken on an honors basis. C. In the case of a Departmental Major in Art with a Photography Emphasis, any upper division photography course may be taken on an honors basis. D. Permission from the department chairman should be sought before registering in a course for Honors credit. A written agreement should be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honors credit. (See Composite and Interdepartmental Programs.) Program: Art Major and Art Teaching MajorBachelor Degree I. General Requirements: A. Specific course requirements of the college (see index). B. Bachelor Degree General Education requirements (see index). Psychology 101 (5) in the Social Science area is recommended for Art Teaching majors. C. A minor is required for the Art Teaching major but is not required for the Art major. D. Art majors must have a C or better in major courses. E. Art majors must have an overall G. P. A. of 2.00 or C; Art Teaching majors must achieve an overall 2.25 G. P. A. F. 183 total hours are required for this degree. G. Sixty of the 183 total hours must be upper division (courses numbered 300 and above). H. Students obtaining an Art Teaching major must satisfy the School of Education Certification Program (see Teacher Education Program). These courses must include the following: Education 195 (1), 300 (3), 350 (3), 363 (3), 364 (4), 495 (15), 499 (5). II. Specific Requirements: A Minimum of 60 credit hours of Art courses. B. Art courses required (45 credit hours): Art 110 (3), 117 (3), 130 (3), 165 (3), 170 (3), 180 (3), 205 (3), 207 (3), 208 (3), 216 (3), 220 (3), 134 Humanities Art 260 (3), 301 (3), 302 (3), 303 (3). Art 180 should be taken autumn quarter of the freshman year. Art Teaching majors are required to take Art 142 (3) and 235 (3). C. Art courses to elect from (minimum of 15 credit hours for Art Majors and 6 credit hours for Art Teaching majors): Art 101 (3) 105 (3), 141 (3), 210 (3), 231 (3), 242 (3), 243 (3), 244 (3), 245 (3)[ 250 (3), 330 (3), 393 (3). The following elective courses may be repeated for credit: Art 405 (3), 408 (3), 421 (3), 430 (3), 431 (3) 436 (3), 440 (3), 446 (3), 460 (3), 465 (3), 470 (3), 490 (2-5), 491 (2-5). D. Support course required: Teaching majors must take Communication 102 (3). E. An Art Teaching major must complete Art 351 (3) prior to commencing student teaching or similar training. Program: Communications Art MajorBachelor Degree I. General Requirements: A. Specific course requirements of the college (see index). B. Bachelor Degree General Education requirements (see index). C. A minor is not required. D. Communications Art majors must have a C or better in major courses. E. An overall G. P. A. of 2.00 or C is required. F. 183 total hours are required for this degree. G. Sixty of the 183 total hours must be upper division (courses numbered 300 and above). II. Specific Requirements: A. Minimum of 83 credit hours of Art courses. B. Art courses required (30 credit hours): Art 110 (3), 117 (3), 165 (3), 180 (3), 205 (3), 207 (3), 216 (3), 220 (3), 243 (3), 244 (3). Art 180 should be taken autumn quarter of the freshman year. C. Art courses to elect from (48 credit hours, with 30 credit hours in upper division): Art 130 (3), 170 (3), 208 (3), 210 (3), 242 (3), 245 (3), 260 (3), 408* (3), 421* (3), 465* (3), 490* (3), 491* (3). Nine credit hours must be: Art 440 (3), and/or 446 (3). D. Support course required: Photography 101 (5). Courses numbered in 400 series may be repeated. Program: Art Minor and Art Teaching Minor I. General Requirements: A. A grade of C or better in all minor courses. II. Specific Requirements: A. Minimum of 24 credit hours in Art courses. B. Art courses required: Art 110 (3), 117 (3), 180 (3), 205 (3) Art Teaching minors must also take Art 130 (3), 142 (3), 260 (3), 351 (3). Art 180 should be taken autumn quarter of the freshman year. C. Courses to elect from: Art 130 (3), 142 (3), 165 (3) 170 (3) 207 (3), 208 (3), 210 (3), 216 (3), 220 (3), 235 (3), 243 (3) 244 3) 260 (3), 301 (3), 302 (3), 303 (3), 330 (3), 405 (3), 408 (3) 421 3 431 (3), 436 (3), 440 (3), 446 (3), 460 (3), 465 (3), 470 (3); Photography 101 (5), 210 (4), 320 (4). 135 |