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Show Morgan but was moved to North Morgan where it was closer to the railroad depot. For a time it was fairly prosperous.13 Smallpox for many years was a serious health concern for the Saints in Morgan Valley. In June 1870 there was an outbreak. The following is an account of the problem in June 1870 as well as a clarification over some misunderstandings as written by Mayor William Eddington and printed in the Deseret News. "Editor Deseret News—Dear Sir: "I regret that I have again to revert to the subject of the small-pox in Morgan County, and do hope your next informant will be better posted than the one to whom you refer in Wednesday's issue of the Weekly. I am also sorry that any portion of my letter should have been so understood as to be considered a confirmation of said report. In justice to the inhabitants of this city, I wish here to state that quarantine regulations were established in Morgan City immediately after it was positively known that such a disease existed. The young lady who was the first to take the infection had accompanied her father and brother, prominent members of the Morgan Ward Brass Band, to a festivity got up by the inhabitants of Milton, in honor of Bishop Peterson's return from his Eastern mission, having with him a lady convert, who it appears took the infection from a fellow traveler while on the cars. The result of this visit to Milton was the introduction of small-pox into Morgan City, the young girl and her brother both falling victims of it. Some days elapsed ere the nature of the disease was known, and inasmuch as the girl had been poisoned last year with a weed known as the poison ivy, which prcxjuces a result on the surface of the body similar to small-pox, when the attack is light, her case was so judged by a medical man in the vicinity; but some dubiety on the matter was entertained. About this time, the disease broke out in Weber Settlement, and the known contact of the parties at the festival, left no doubt on the minds of the authorities here; and with promptness, under the direction of Bishop G. W. [W. G.] Smith, and at the suggestion of Col. Little, a hospital was erected at a convenient distance from the city, and in twelve hours, three comfortable compartments were finished, well floored on joice, the city forthwith placed under quarantine regulations, and the same placarded on both sides of the river in the mast conspicuous places of business, which your informant might have read for weeks past- "For nearly two months we have had neither meetings, schools nor gatherings of any description; and every precaution used to keep in check the disease. True there has been considerable ingress and egress. The railroad runs directly through the city, on the north side of the river. The only station for the county is here. The vast lumber business now being done in the Hardscrabble canyons produces much teaming; all of which had to pass through the city, across the bridge to the depot. The City council looking at these circumstances, and realizing the difficulties liable to accrue by enforcing quarantine rules on all the trains, before passing the bounds prescribed by law, together with canon teams, and knowing that |