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Show missions, stake officers were sustained and released, names for priesthood advancement were presented, and most often a member of one of the general boards of the Church would be in attendance and speak. James Gunn McKay of the Young Men's General Board was a frequent visitor at these meetings. Topics of discussion were as varied as the speaker. Delore Nichols, County Farm Agent, was asked to speak on what crops to plant for the coming year; while on another occasion S. Dilworth Young, District Boy Scout Executive, spoke on the importance of guarding the life of the boy. Disapproval of games of chance at church carnivals, the life of George Washington, tithing, state laws on the sale of tobacco, planting a family garden, importance of obeying the counsel of the General Authorities, the life of Joseph Smith, mission of the Savior, Aaronic Priesthood work, ancient traditions of celebrating Christmas, temple work, and the welfare program were some of the topics covered over the years. A special program for the pioneers was held each year as part of the priesthood and auxiliary leadership training meeting. After the meeting the Daughters of Utah Pioneers would hold a banquet in honor of the pioneers of the Valley. In 1937 a special program was held at this particular meeting in honor of the pioneers. A tribute to the pioneers was given by Ethel Tippets, Ida M. Kirkham of the central committee of Daughters of Utah Pioneers, spoke on the value of "Relics and Land Marks," Mary Chadwick spoke on the history of the pioneer cabin which had been moved to the stake lot to preserve it. The services concluded with the pioneer monument being unveiled by Jane Foote and the dedicatory prayer being offered by Richard R. Fry.69 Stake Conference During the eighteen years of the Randall administration, twenty-eight different General Authorities visited the quarterly stake conferences, several of which came on more than one occasion. They included Stephen L Richards, Orson F. Whitney, Joseph Fielding Smith, Rudger Clawson, J. Golden Kimball, John A Widtsoe, Charles H. Hart, George F. Richards, George Albert Smith, Hyrum G. Smith, Melvin J. Ballard, John Wells, Sylvester Q. Cannon, Rulon S. Wells, David A Smith, Reed Smoot, David O. McKay, Levi Edgar Young, Samuel O. Bennion, John H. Taylor, Charles A Callis, Joseph F. Merrill, Albert E. Bowen, Richard R. Lyman, Joseph L Wirthlin, Richard L Evans, Alma Sonne, and Marvin O. Ashton.70 Often the visiting authorities would bring their wives and sometimes their children who would also participate in the conference. Sometimes two or three general board members of the various auxiliary organizations would also attend the conference with the visiting authority. The sacrament was passed to the membership of the Church at the Sunday morning general session at the quarterly conferences in 1924 and 1925. Apparently the practice was stopped because the recorded minutes of the conferences from 1925 on never mention it again.71 135 |