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Show that all the non-members in the stake will be properly approached regarding the church and its program. Please let me know if I can be helpful at any time.10 In 1968, a significant change occurred in stake conference procedure throughout the Church when the First Presidency announced that in the future there would only be one session of conference held on Sunday. This announcement took effect in Morgan at the March stake conference. Elder Spencer W. Kimball, ofthe Quorum of Twelve, was presiding. As we look in historical retrospect, it becomes obvious that the members ofthe Church were greatly blessed by attending stake conference. It was a time of spiritual renewal for the Saints, an opportunity to participate in sustaining changes in Church government on a local level, and most important a time to learn the doctrine which leads to a fulness of life in the eternities to come. Building Program During the Larson administration the membership of the Stake became involved in building a stake recreational hall, the Peterson chapel, a new seminary building, the Milton chapel, McKay Dee Hospital and the Ogden Temple. To complete these edifices required many free will offerings and many hours of service on the part ofthe Saints. Stake Recreational Hall—To meet the needs for recreation in the stake, it was first determined to remodel the Morgan Opera House. This decision, however, was finally changed in favor of constructing a new facility. The Opera House was subsequently sold to Alva Dearden who converted it into a movie theater. President Clarence D. Rich had earlier obtained permission from the presiding bishopric to begin collecting money for the facility, and on 31 July 1952, a circus had been held to begin raising funds. However, because ofthe passing of President Rich, nothing further was done until the fall. Under the new leadership, application was made in October 1952, to again begin collecting money for a new stake recreation hall. The general plan ofthe building called for a recreation hall, stage, Relief Society room, kitchen, various class rooms, and office space for the leadership ofthe stake. Estimated cost for completion was $91,000, ofwhich $47,000 would come from general Church funds in Salt Lake City, while the Morgan Ward would be assessed $26,000; the rest ofthe wards in the Stake would be assessed a total of $18,000 to be divided among themselves. Before an architect could be hired and plans drawn up, the stake had to raise one-half of its estimated share. James T. Palmer and Herbert J. Whittierwere called to direct this fund drive in the stake.11 With the support ofthe stake presidency and the bishops, the two men proposed a fund raising campaign to begin in February 1953. Letters were sent to all members ofthe stake explaining the costs and asking for their support. The "Kick off' event was a movie at the Morgan Theater on 187 |