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Show growing up have been: Paul Smart, Reed Nelson, and Ken Sommers (who helped me in the little league baseball where I was on the all srar team all three years I played). Don Gust, my high school baseball coach; Paul Warner, a friend, an uncle, and a man that I have never seen do anything wrong are also great examples. I had a desire to go on a mission because Paul went, Marion D. Hanks was my mission president and is a lifelong friend. 1 learned much from my two grandpas, especially Grandpa Ralph Warner—'You Can Dolt" was his motto to me. But I suppose my greatest heroes have always been and will continue to be my special parents, Verl andjune Poll. I pray my life will be a monument built in their behalf, one that will always stand straight, weathering time and enduring to the end. My wife, Judy, has played a very big part in my life since my mission. 1 proposed marriage to her at the start of a softball game at the Fair Grounds in Morgan. I was either lucky or a mighty good salesman, because she said yes. She has been by my side, whether racing snowmobiles, showing cattle, or promoting any and all business ventures. She has helped me put on all-night ward dinners; she has accompanied me to Paris, France and Spain. But mostly I love her outside in our yard, beautifying it through our landscaping. I have never seen a wife of a priesthtxxl leader who is more supportive and devoted than Judy is. We have learned many lessons in mortality, some the hard way, some a little easier. Judy can do about anything she makes up her mind to do. She is not afraid to try anyrhing. With my travel and my busy schedule, ifsomerhing has needed doing, she's had to do it herself. And she always has done well. As we have matured together in life and in the gospel, our love has increased immensely. We have been blessed wirh four boys and four girls and four grandchildren up to this rime (1986). They also have played a very big part in my life. I write about some of my spiritual experiences reluctantly, nor wanting to brag or boast, but to let the "rising generation" know that such things happen even today: even to us who live in this Valley. I have sat ar the feer of many Prophers and Apostles and General Authorities during my lifetime, and I have been taught many eternal principles. Each time 1 have had the witness ofthe Holy Ghost that the principles ofthe gospel are true. One of my first remembered experiences was with President Hugh B. Brown in the Hyde Park Chapel in London, England. He told me about his call to be an Apostle, where he had an experience with Satan. I have never felt the presence of the Spirit more powerfully. While there as second counselor and assistant to President Marion D. Hanks, I conducted many meetings, rubbing shoulders with men like President David O. McKay, Nathan E. Tanner, Henry D. Moyle, Mark E. Peterson, and LeGrand Richards. Since the mission field, I have had occasions to be with President Spencer W. Kimball, President Thomas S. Monson, Elder Boyd K. Packer, President Ezra Taft Benson, Elders Dallin H. Oaks, Russell M. Nelson, Neal A Maxwell, and President Gordon B.Hinckley. I have had the opportunity to attend two Solemn Assemblies in the upper r<x>m ofthe Salt Lake Temple. I have been a participant when at least six Apostolic blessings were given to those of us present. I've sat in the presence of the highest councils in this, the Savior's, church, knowing also of his presence. I have seen miracles throughout my life under the direction ofthe priesthood. Evil spirits have been cast out of people, and the peace and calmness of their own spirits have returned. I have seen men's lives saved and extended for many years through ihe Savior's love and his priesthcxxl. I've seen children come in to LDS homes where doctors said parents could not have any, and I've seen people who were told they could have no more children receive more—all through priesthood blessings. I have seen men who have tried to fight against the Lord's Kingdom removed from the 271 |