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Show Carriages were prepared on the arrival of the train, in the broad fields where the mountains opened up space for a lovely valley and the city of Morgan. We were conveyed to a meeting house where about 800 souls were waiting for spiritual food. Jesus said to his ancient Apostles, and why not to his modern disciples: 'If you love me, feed my sheep, feed my lambs.' The morning services were occupied by speaking comforting words and instructions and by reports from the various wards of this Stake of Zion located in the tops of the mountains. In the afternoon Sacrament services took place, with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Eighteen pieces of silver sacramental service, glittering in their burnished beauty, was presented to the Church by the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Society and was graciously received with a vote of thanks. The cost of the service was $80.00. Apostle Smith and visitors were the first to sip from the cup, the emblems of the spilt blood of a crucified Redeemer. Two beautiful chandeliers had also been presented by the Relief Societies for the benefit of the edifice. These were procured by the sisters by nickel subscription. What cannot the sisters do when they take it into their heads? The original price of the three chandeliers was over $100.00. Five meetings in all were held. Monday's meetings were crowded and a happy time was enjoyed. There is a useful industry started up, near this city, which proves a blessing to many. It is a creamery. Milk is bought even in small quantities and taken from the doors of widows and the poor and credit is given to each party on the factory books. A store is kept by the company from which the creditors may draw their groceries and necessities. Eight hundred dollars was paid out in money and goods for the past month. This amount scattered among the people monthly relieves many wants. A widow may keep a cow or two,especially just outside the city. Father Rich, one mile and a half out, milks his cows and lets them out on the sides of the mountains to feed, and they return home generally in the evening. I met Father Martin Heiner at the conference, whocrossed the plains in my company in the year 1859. Then his family numbered only 10 souls; now, including his grand and great grandchildren, they number 124 souls, and most of them are in this country. Edward Stevenson (First Council of Seventy)48 It was customary at the time to have the sacrament administered and passed to the members during Sunday sessions of stake conference. This was done under the direction of the bishops of the stake, with Bishop Charles Turner in charge. At the Sunday afternoon session, 10 September 1899, the blessing on the bread was given by President Richard Fry, and the blessing on the water was given by Samuel Florence. The choir sang the hymn, "He Died, the Great Redeemer Died," as the sacrament was being passed.49 Music being an important part of Church worship, there was usually a choir for each stake conference. One Sunday afternoon on 14 February 1897, the music must have sounded especially beautiful. The South Morgan Choir was directed by the stake chorister, James R. Rawle. The singers were |