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Show CHAPTER 6 Administration of George Sylvester Heiner On 14 March 1942, at 7:00 p.m., Elders George Albert Smith and Charles A Callis met with the priesthood holders of the Morgan Stake, there hoping to get an expression of all present on the suggestion of the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles that President Melvin Howard Randall be released from his labors as president of the Morgan Stake. These labors had become difficult for him following a serious illness.1 Counselors George Sylvester Heiner, C. Calvin Geary, and all the members of the high council expressed their joy and satisfaction in having worked with President Randall and regretted that it was necessary to release him. The following day, during the afternoon session of stake conference, Elder Smith related to the general congregation the action of the General Authorities in releasing President Randall. This action was unanimously approved. George Sylvester Heiner was then sustained as President of the Morgan Stake; Charles Calvin Geary, first counselor, and Clarence Dickson Rich, second counselor, with Roy Francis remaining as clerk.2 During the course of the conference sessions, Elder Smith gave an address on the theme, "Life is the Sum of Your Thoughts." Elder Callis' remarks were summarized as follows: "Are we on the Lord's side? If so, we are safe. Sin is the greatest enemy we have, even in time of war. Our soldiers are messengers of peace."3 At the close of the conference, the new stake presidency was set apart by Elders Smith and Callis. As the United States mobilized for World War II, the Morgan Stake, too, became increasingly involved. Almost all recorded history for the time, ecclesiastical or secular, was somehow involved with the War. George Sylvester Heiner Effects of War When the priesthood and auxiliary leaders met at the tabernacle on 26 April 1942, President Heiner announced that, per instructions from the General Authorities, in the future only heads of priesthood quorums and |