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Show Seminary Building Seminary Building—The new seminary buildihgwas dedicated 12 March 1967, by Elder Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to the Quorum ofthe Twelve. The day was windy and cold with overcast skies. At the end of the Sunday afternoon session of stake conference, those who desired to attend the dedication moved to the seminary building where the dedicatory services commenced at 4:30 p.m. About one hundred and fifty people attended. Work on the building began lApril 1966. The plan called for two classrooms, two offices, restroom, work room, and custodian closet. The seminary instructors at the time were Darrell Judd and Darrell Williams.2'* Peterson Chapel—Because off population growth in the Peterson area I it became necessary to build a new J chapel there. The existing chapel was | thirty-five years old and too small to I take care of the needs of the members I in the area. At a special meeting held I 24 June 1961, the bishopric of the I Peterson Ward informed the members I of their finding concerning the newB building program. The General Authorities of the Church were opposed to adding onto the existing building because: (1) they did not advise letting an old building dictate the design of the new one, (2) soon the old section would have to be replaced, and (3) the location seemed poor (next to the railroad; also it was on a dead end street). Bishop Verl Poll informed those present that he and others in the ward had been to Salt Lake City and Idaho looking at various chapels hoping to find a design that would best meet their needs. A plan was presented to the congregation by the bishopric and a motion made that a new chapel be built. The vote was unanimous in favor. There were thirty-six in attendance.25 It was later announced that construction would begin in the spring with every effort to complete the new building in one year.26 As things turned out, however, it was five years before • the building was dedicated, even though I serviceswereheldinthenewchapelas ■* early as May 1963- The afternoon session ._ ofthe Morgan stake conference held in - May was conducted in the new Peterson e erson nape chapel with three hundred and ninety- six persons in attendance. Visiting authorities for the occasion were Walter Dansie of the General Welfare Committee and O Tolman of the General Genealogy Committee.27 During the years that followed the announcement ofthe new chapel in Peterson, a variety of fund raisers were held to pay the ward's expenses so the 191 |