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Show Stake quarterly conference was held in March, May (later on June), September, and December. Conference sessions were held Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. The times were the same on Sunday. This format was followed until March 1929 when the Saturday morning session was eliminated. In December the one session that had still been held on Saturday was moved to the evening. Attendance at this session significantly increased for the next two conferences, but then began to stabilize at what it had been when the two sessions were held in the morning and the afternoon on Saturday. The average attendance at the Saturday sessions was about 6 percent. The Sunday sessions varied from a low of 9 percent (201 people) to a high of 31 percent (617 people). The average attendance over the years was about 26 percent. The Saturday session almost always was used to train the priesthood leaders in their responsibility. Rarely was the general membership invited. When there were two sessions on Saturday the afternoon would be used to separate into quorums. The quarterly conference of 28 March 1925 illustrates what was taught in these sessions. The high priests discussed, "the rights, obligations, and opportunities of Presidency;" seventies, "the calling of the Seventy and the order of his priesthood;" elders, "how may the Elders Quorum function to better prepare young men for missions, for marriage;" priests, "Quorum Organization, Ward Duties andTraining for the Ministry;" teachers, "Quorum organization, Ward Duties and Local Ministry;" deacons, "Quorum organization, Ward Duties, and Field of Service.' In the stake conference of 24 May 1928 Elder George Albert Smith introduced in the priesthood session on Saturday the new plan for holding ward priesthood meetings outlining the instructions from the First Presidency. In December a special Sunday evening session for all Aaronic Priesthood holders was held in the tabernacle at 7:30 p.m.73 Each conference varied in its themes and the topics covered by the General Authorities. On 9 March 1924 Elder Stephen L Richards spoke on maintaining a good home. Fathers should preside and young people should be thoughtful and obedient to parents. Joseph Fielding Smith covered doctrinal topics during the two days he was in Morgan in March 1925. Book of Mormon prophecies, the three degrees of glory, temple marriage, and salvation for the dead were some of the topics. He also took time to answer doctrinal questions that the members of the stake had. Andrew Jenson, Assistant Church Historian, spoke on the gathering of Church history and the faith of the handcart pioneers on 26 September 1926. Three months later Elder Melvin J. Ballard was the visiting authority. He is quoted as saying, "It is the fault of our teachers that theyoung people get the idea that our religious teachings are dry and noninteresting." The visiting authority on 22 June 1929 was Elder George F. Richards who challenged the Saints, "we are to be judged by the higher law, so [we] should strive to know the higher law by studying the Scriptures. By a systemized method the Standard Works of the Church can be read in a very 136 |