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Show explaining just what the extraction program was, and by the end ofthe year 214 stakes had been authorized to proceed with the extraction program. However, only thirty-four stakes at this point were doing extraction with the rest in various stages of setting up and implementing the program.38 In April 1978, future stakes being involved in the program were put on hold. Guidelines were then established for approving stakes to enter the program. A stake that had one or more ofthe following conditions would not be approved: 1. A stake consisting of young families. 2. A stake whose geography requires undue travel, especially in view of the energy crisis. 3- A struggling stake that is shallow in leadership. 4. A stake that does not show enthusiasm for the program 39 After a fourteen month hold on new stakes entering the program, the Brethren in August 1979 gave approval for Executive Administrators to add to the program as many stakes as they wanted who could meet the guidelines. The Morgan Stake first made application to have the extraction program in February 1978. The request was made by President Little through Robert B. Harbertson, the regional representative. He then addressed a letter to Elder George P. Lee, the area supervisor, stating: "I feel very good about thisStake participating in the program and recommend them to you." Elder Lee wrote a note at the bottom of the correspondence simply stating that he concurred.40 Because ofthe moratorium on the extraction program nothing was done concerning the request ofthe Morgan Stake. On 2 January 1979, application was again made by the stake presidency through the regional representative to start the extraction program in Morgan. President Little explained that the stake center had been designed with a room next to the library to house the readers and other necessary equipment, that the stake was financially prepared to purchase the items needed, and that a survey had been conducted throughout the stake for language and genealogy experience. Having received no response to their request the stake presidency again made written request through the proper channels on 28 October 1979, to have the extraction program in the stake. They stated: "We sincerely feel that the Morgan Utah Stake can and will support this program. We also feel that this program is needed and that it can be a source of much spiritual growth in our stake."41 On 28 November 1979, Royden G. Derrick, Executive Director of the Genealogical Department, addressed the following letter to President Little: Your request for participation in the stake records extraction program has been approved by your area executive administrator and is now in our office. We do not have a language survey for your stake to help us determine which language assignment your stake could handle. We are currently able to supply stakes with records in the following 1 |