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Show stake president. The dedication took place on Sunday 29 November 1981 a little over eight months after the ground breaking had taken place. President Calvin R. Stephens, first counselor in the Morgan North Stake, offered the dedicatory prayer.15 Stake Youth In a letter written to President Little shortly after his call as stake president, Helen Welch said, "Our youth need all the kindness and love and understanding as well as committment to the standards of our faith as they can have .... When I first heard you talk in Stake Conference on the new program for service men and heard the compassion in your voice and your real understanding of the problems, I could feel your sincere humility and spirituality."16 President Little kept records of the youth and what they were doing and accomplishing. He kept count of the "Duty to God" awards, the Eagle badges, and of course, letters from mission presidents. He presided at seminary and institute functions, spoke at baccalaureates, and each was diligently recorded in his scrapbook. In August 1972, just after his appointment, he approved the stake joining with the Roy North Stake in a youth conference at Brigham Young University. He attended M-Men and Golden Gleaner functions; he faithfully saved wedding invitations, especially those from youth to be married in the temple. Even the Beehive girls and their programs did not miss his attention. One invitation reads: Life is a loom and we are the weavers, Weaving our own design. All we believe, all we achieve, These are the strands that our hands intertwine. Life is a loom and we are the weavers, Making each thread secure. Row after row our pattern will grow, And its beauty and strength will endure. Father in Heaven has given the partem To follow with love and with prayer. Life is a loom and we are the weavers. And what we weave, we must wear. With Warp and Waft, we are weaving an interesting!evening. Our loom will be complete with your attendance. President Little attended. In an article from The Morgan County News entitled, "Morgan Stake Presidency Closes Generation Gap," we see how dedicated the whole presidency was to youth programs. It reads, "There's no such thing as a 'generation gap,' and members ofthe Morgan Stake Youth Council and their directors will prove this statement when the Morgan Stake Presidency and THEIR WIVES take to the floor to demonstrate to the young folk that they can 212 |