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Show December 1916 it was up to 68 percent; and then in the month of January 1917 it was 81 percent. Forde Dickson recorded his early ward teaching experiences. His first assignment came when he was sixteen years old. He and Lavern Dickson were assigned to be partners and their first appointment was to visit the first counselor in the stake presidency, William Rich. In his own words, "I had studied the duties and responsibilities of the ward teachers so that I was familiar and conscientious with our assignment. It is found in the Doctrine and Covenants 20:53-54. When we arrived we were cordially welcomed. Then I said to him, 'Are you digging any pit for your neighbors? Are you lying or backbiting, faultfinding or speaking evil about your neighbors?' He asked us to pray with him and his family, and after the prayer he put his arm around us and said, "That is the best home teaching that I have ever had, for no one has ever asked me those questions before.' This experience has made ward teaching have an extra special meaning for me. As I offered the prayer in President Rich's home that night, I felt the love he had for us young teachers, and I also gained a love for him that has been everlasting."46 Thursday night was continually stressed as the night ward teachers should visit their families and the night families should stay home and study the scriptures. In 1915 President Joseph F. Smith asked that regular family home evenings be held Churchwide. The following instructions were issued by him and his counselors: We advise and urge the inauguration of a 'Home Evening' throughout the Church, at which time fathers and mothers may gather their boys and girls about them in the home and teach them the word of the Lord. They maythusleammorefullytheneedsandrequirementsoftheirfamilies. . . . This 'Home Evening' should be devoted to prayer, singing hymns, songs, instrumental music, scripture reading, family topics and specific instruction on the principles of the gospel, and on the ethical problems of life, as well as the duties and obligations of children to parents, the home, the Church, society and the nation. For the smaller children appropriate recitations, songs, stories and games may be introduced. Light refreshments of such a nature as may be largely prepared in the home might be served. Formality and stiffness should be studiously avoided, and all of the family should participate in the exercises. These gatherings will furnish opportunities for mutual confidence between parents and children, between brothers and sisters, as well as give opportunity for words of warning, counsel and advice by parents to their boys and girls. They will provide opportunity for the boys and girls to honor father and mother, and to show their appreciation of the blessings of home so that the promise of the Lord to them may be literally fulfilled and their lives be prolonged and made happy. . . . If the Saints obey this counsel, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be |