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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show before construction and payment of final approval fees. The development has to conform to staff and affected entity comments. The development has been approved by the planning commission. President Dennis Ilium noted that any change to Four Mile Creek must be approved by the state. Monty Hardy, representing the Venture Chart School, spoke. Charter schools are public schools, so there is no tuition cost for students to attend. It will serve students from kindergarten through 8th grade. There are about 150 similar charter schools across the nation. Transportation to and from the school must be provided by the students. The school will rent busses, if necessary, for field trips.. President Ilium was concerned about traffic on 400 North. The traffic study does not indicate how the traffic count at the school will interface with existing 400 North traffic. He believes that possibly accidents could occur with cars making left turns on this road. He would like 400 North widened for turning lanes for the new road to the school. Scott Van Leeuwen was also concerned about increased traffic. In answer to Kim Slater's question about times the school would be in session, Mr. Hardy said it would operate exactly like a typical school. The charter school must abide the same rules and regulations as a public school. Mr. Slater was also concerned about adequate secondary water. He feels Frank Blair has not properly used irrigation water and has taken it out of turn, affecting users downstream. He feels Mr. Blair has overstated his watering capabilities. The Staff indicated the applicant will need to address secondary water further to show that they have sufficient amounts. Staff recommended final subdivision and site plan approval, subject to resolving outstanding issues. The Council wants more studies concerning the impact the school will have on 400 North, and also that the water issue is adequately addressed. Further discussion occurred on the Venture Charter School subdivison. City Administrator Bill Morris said that staff would investigate a supplemental traffic study as well as the secondary water issue. Mr. Van Leeuwen asked if the school could participate in the cost of widening 400 North in the future. Mr. Morris said the school would be paying the transportation impact fees imposed. He also noted that this road is on the state transportation plan for federal funds to widen it within the next 5 years or so. The final subdivision and site approval for the Venture Charter School was given by the council, subject to the requirements recommended by staff, including the traffic study and secondary water issues being addressed. At 6:30 p.m., the work session was adjourned and the regular council meeting convened. A business license was approved for Cragun Law Firm, PC, 1920 West 250 North, (Millcreek Plaza). Advice and consent of the council for the following appointments by Mayor Keith Butler was given by the council: Kim Slater - Mosquito Abatement Board of Trustees. Kent Meyerhoffer - Planning Commission Rick Taylor - Planning Commission Mike Hunsaker - Planning Commission Community Awards were presented by Mayor Keith Butler at the council meeting. The Good Neighbor awards were presented to Erin Holley, nominated by Kris Robrecht, and Dustin and Janette Henrie, nominated by Kathy Dimick. The Elna Lucas Community History and Culture Award was presented to Carl Hodson for his multiple oral history interviews, in detail, providing invaluable community history. |