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Show Help in Case of ‘Accident In —wash immediately with large quantities of water before applying any other treatment. BLEEDING WOUNDS—Bleeding in spurts indicates severing of an artery. Steady flow indicates a vein has been cut. Bleeding from an artery should be stopped by applying pressure of the thumb, a compress or cloth pad over the artery at a point between the bleeding wound and the heart. In bleeding from a vein (steady flow), pressure should be applied on the. side away from the heart. Where bleeding is not than. rest of body, loosen clothing, of fresh air and keep warm. severe, a@ compress over the open wound should be sufficient. If bleeding is very severe, tourniquet may be made by tieing handkerchief, cloth, belt, strap or neck-tie around the part over compress and using small stick, pencil, or similar article with which to twist and _ tighten. Do _ not twist too hard, just enough to stop. bleeding. Loosen every twenty minutes to let a little blood escape. Keep the part elevated. SHOCK—Lay patient flat low, unless head is bleeding. gum or tobacco from on back ‘Remove mouth. Keep with false head teeth, patient warm. Give stimulants such as aromatic spirits of ammonia in water, hot coffee, tea or water. Do not give stimulant to unconscious patients, or one who may have internal bleeding. POISONED WOUNDS—From bite of animal— Treat immediately. Wash under running water to remove animal saliva. Have patient lie down and remain quiet. Apply ligature or bandage above wound to prevent spread of poison. With tip of knife or razor blade, ‘sterilized by passing through flame, if possible, cut into wound, a depth of % to % inch over each fang mark, and let poison out. Apply suction, or if no other means available, suck the wound out by mouth, provided there are no open sores or wounds in mouth, and remove as much poison as possible from it. Be careful not to swallow. Continue suction for about a half hour. Cauterize with nitric acid, chloride of zine or nitrate of silver, or by applying white hot iron. Give patient stimulants and rush to doctor at once. BURNS AND SCALDS—Skin unbroken. A paste of baking soda in water; cod-liver, olive, or castor oil; or vaseline. Cover with sterile gauze. Where skin is broken, apply wet baking soda, gentian violet jelly, picric acid gauze, or tannic acid jelly. Keep dressing moist. Chemical burns FAINTING—Place flat on back, head allow clean RESPIRATION — lower 4 plenty Prone “en IN CASE for OF a POISONING physician. “*** 97'023| " ** 96,904 Second—Induce vomiting by tickling throat with feather or finger. Drink hot water or strong mustard and water. Swallow sweet oil or whites of eggs. Acids are antidotes for Alkalies and vice versa. SPECIAL POISONS AND ANTIDOTES ACIDS—Muriatic, Oxalic, Acetic Sulphuric of Vitriol), Nitric Ant.—Soap PRUSSIC (Aqua suds, ACID, Cyanide Ant.—Ammonia Give stimulants. in (Oil Fortis). magnesia, of water. Dash water in face. ALKALIES, Potash, Ant.—Vinegar starchy food, MERCURY and water, Lye, or mucilaginous Hartshorn, lemon OF Potassium. CARBOLIC ACID— Ant.—Flour CARBONATE juice SODA. Coperas. Cobalt. Ant.—Soap suds IODINE. Antimony, lime-water. drinks. Ammonia. in water. and and mucilaginous drinks. Tartar Emetic. chalk, magnesia, strong ‘tea. Apply external heat. its Salts. ; Ant.—Whites of Eggs, Milk Mucilages. OPIUM. Morphine, Laudanum, Paregoric. Soothing Powders or Syrups. Ant.—Strong coffee, mustard or ipecac as emetic. Keep awake and moying. Keep warm. 25,882 ayes Ja... Vt... Yous Wis. 30,745) Hornell, N. Y... 15,649 t- Cambridge, Mass. 110,879 ees . 15,044! Cambridge, Camden, N. J....117,536| Gants. Obio....-“"108,401| Cape Gir’d’u, Mo. 19,426} . 19,371 Pa. Carbondale, Kan.. 30,013 Hutchinson, | idene TIll......15,458 Elmhurst, Are gute sf niet Agate ee eee ; Baso, .ee- 37,081 | Elyria, Butte. Mont, TeX... _ ndep’ndence, Mo. , Ohio..... . 25,120 | Indian’olis, Ind..386,972 | Irondequoit, N.¥. 23,376 N. Y.. 17,702 Endicott, Englewood, N. J.. 18,966 Enid, Okla..:.... 28,081 Brie, Pa. ..--.116,955 Huclid, Ohio...... 17,866 Ore...bees aan ee 30,114 17,182 | Inglewood, Cal.... Ia... City, | Iowa | Ironton, Ohio..... | Irvington, N.. J.. ts: Nai Wie, sot Sergia | Cadacchet‘avids,a orire'sYa: 62-120) Hranatén, Mass.... UL,"'°. 9.088) Tackaon, Btw. 62 46,784 Jacksonville, Fla..173,065 16,343} Everett, 1s, (er **** 38'968| : ¥ 33'399| 41,572| |... S .. 19.424| Mich. i\ 29,815 <sa+ 25,528)10 nN weet <** 38 136 Okla... Mass.. a. » 24 Champaign, Ill... 23,302 Charleston, S.C. 71,275| W. Va. 67,914 Gh’leston, Charlotte, N. C..100,899| Charl’tesy’le, Diets: esas 17,964 | Eureka, 0 cats . BY Va. 19,400| ivansville, sible ; Everett, Wash.... 30,224) Jacksonville, Ill... 19,844 42,638 Fairmont, W. Va. 23,105 | Jamestown, Fall River, Mass. 115,428 | Janesville, Wis. . 22,992 Fargo, N. D.... 32,580 Jeannette, Pa. .. 16,220 Fayetteville, N. C. 17,428 | Jeff’rson City, Mo. Chat'o0ga, ass.... Penn.41, a | eee. onto10.52. ns. 20°298| indlay, AU, ee Pa.. 19,082| | ove Bl. ackson, Fitchburg, Mass.. 41,824 : John, City, » N.Y. 18,089 0 WN. John. City, Tenn. 22,763 16,886 Chester, Pa. .... 59,285) Flint, Mich...... 151,543 | Johnstown, Pa. .. 66,668 40,013 Gheyenne, Wyo... 22,474 Florence, Ala..... 15,043) Joliet, Tins «sade 866 57,040 | Chicago, Ill..... 3,396,808 | Florence, S.C... 16,054 Joplin, Moves eiblelad . @. .51,310 29,537 | Chicopee, seeeeer 20,65 Ill. 22,461 Hts., Chicago y..... Mass... 41,664 Mich, 54,097 Wis.. 27,209 | Kalamazoo, Fd. du Lac, Ft. Dodge, . 22,904 | Kankakee, Ill.... 22,241 hid. - 2,288 31405 | Cincinnati, Chillicothe, Ohio..455,610 Onio. 20,128) Ft. Ft. Daud le, “Pia. 17.986) Kearny, Kean. City,N. Kan. 121458 Bs prs Wayne, Ind..118,410} J.... 39,467 net ly ’ Til eoseveeee N.J. 64,094 N. Y. 35,753 | Cleveland 18,307| Minn.... Tex. Bakersfield, Clairton, Pa. 22,071 Clarksb’g, 19,817 | Cleveland. Augusta, Ga..... 65,919 Augusta, Me..... won ora, Ill....... 47,1 Austin, i City, Mass.. Me.. With arms held straight, swing forward slowly, bringing the weight of the body gradually upon the patient, so that the shoulder in this position is directly over the heel of the hand at the end of the forward swing. Do not bend elbows. Then 4immediately swing backward, so as to remove the pressure completely. After two seconds, repeat the pressure and release, the complete swing forward and backward to take four or five seconds, or 12 to. 15 times a minute. Continue without interruption until the patient breathes naturally. ARSENIC. Rat Poison, Paris Green. Ant.—Milk, raw eggs, sweet oil, lime-water, flour and water. BUG POISON. Lead, Saltpetre, Corrosive Sublimate, Sugar of Lead, Blue Vitriol. Ant.—Whites of eggs or milk in large doses. CHLOROFORM. Chiloral. Ether. Ant.—Give emetic, keep patient aroused; apply mustard plaster over heart and calves of legs; use artificial respiration. 35.449| ‘ar ‘a.. 27,066| La. 275031 38'935 ... 87,930 apeans toe N. - . tex, i Hi ca 79,198 . Paes a. Li, ’ ... = 16, W. Va. 30,579 Ohio...878,336| Hts., O. Kan.. Coffeyville, Cohoes, Colo. Spgs., Cor. Christi, Corsicana, Tex. Geert: annette 15,881} Gloversville, Gd. steele 25,365 Cuyahoga 20,546 Greeley, 16,668} Danbury, Conn... 22,339 Greenfield, Va. 32,749 | Greensburg, 19,084) ++ ..Cal. --- batt Cumberland, Dallas, Danville, Danville, 23,261 17,475 O. ....294,734| Ill...... 8,451 | Davenport, 22,826) 58,490! 26,823 25,5371 19,790} Md. 39,483| Falls, Tex. 36.919| Ia.... Decatur, Dedham, taah, Pa. af 638 | Dunkirk, me “770, "816 u2° “s 8,83 326) N. puninens, cf uquesne, Durham, N. Y.. Pa. C... ansing, Wis. 46,235 Mass. 20,892 59,305 15,508 Hammond, Hamtra’ck, Ind . “Mich. 17,713 Haverford, ,09% 60,195 N. 15,672} 59,319| 6 Sent .. Lancaster, ‘ G. BG 309 Denison, Tex. .. 15,581 a..267,583 | Denver, Colo...... 322,412 ee 15,496 | Des Moines, Ia..159,819| a 41,623 | Detroit, Mich...1,623,452| Tea Pere Dothan, Ala...... 17,194) we aes Dubuque, Ta..... 43,892| Telarid, nm” ; 641) Duluth, Minn....101,065| Mass. 23,329 ay’ea D. Pa. . 16,743 Greenville, S.C. Gulfport, Miss.... Hackensack, N. J. Hagerstown, Md.. Hamilton, Ohio... 34,734 15,195} 26,279| 32,491 50,592} 70,184 49,839| Hannibal, Mo.... 20,865 Hanover, Pa. ... 16,439 Harrisburg, Pa... 83,893 Hartford, Conn...166,267| Harvey, Ill....... 17.878| Hastings, Neb.... 15,145| Hattiesburg, Miss. 21,026 Pa.... azleton, Helena, 27,594 : pone aia aber sity She! oa Ore, Tenn. .111,580 Ind... 3,795 28, ackawanna, N.Y. 16,989 La Crosse, Wis.. 111,719 | Lafayette, Ind... 28,798 21,313 Lafayette, lLa.... 15,5551 La Grange, Ga... 82,582 | Lake. Charles, La. 18,836 Lakeland, Fila.... 24,046 Lakewood, Ohio... Miss.. 210,718| 22,584| 63,584 16,604| 16,561 Ill...... Mass... Y. Knoxville, Colo......15,995| Greensboro, 18,612 TIll..... OOH. Great Falls, Mont. 29,928 Bay, ’ Y... Wis. .. 48,765 Ia...... 15,076 60,862 Gd. Island, Neb.. 19,130} G. R’pids, Mich..164,292 Granite City, Ill. 22,974| Green Kenosha, Keokuk, 28,876 | K1’ath Falls, cs N. N. Sera Greenville, 66,039 Dayton, Ohio..... Daytona Bch, Fla. Dearborn, Mich.. Decatur, Ala..... Decatur, Ga...... N. rs Forks, Kenmore, +. ere 20,410 | Kingston, N. Y... Bere ereeOm tae arng i inston : Garfield, N. J.... Garfield Hts., O.. Gary, Indicw . said Gastonia, N. C.. Geneva, N. . Glendale, Cal..... Glens Falls, N.Y. Gloucester, Mass. 41,439 62,018) 47,085| - 37,192} Y... ae Be. wks Ill.... Goldsboro, 9 22,366 | Kewanee, Tex... Coun. Bluffs, Ia. Covington, Ky.... Cranston, R. I... - 85,547 City, N. Galveston, 2 Mass. 23,214 Md. .. 15,802 Ill...... Freeport, eae adsden, ? Tex..177;662} Fram’ham, Frederick, --. 28,405 . J... 28,167} Wash. 29,314) ... 26,867 ” Galesburg, . 15,232 Y.. Worth, Yr 17,355 57,301 Tex. N. 2 abc Re Mo.... 18,399 S. C.. 62,396| Ga.. 3,.980:1 Ohio. . .306,087| Cal..... 16,198 N. C.... 15,572} N. H... 27,171 N. Y... 16,212 Cortland, Ft. mit Freeport, . 21,955| Colo Or 54,992 Cliffside Pk., N. J. 16,892 Clifton: Nz.J.. 24: aon 26, Ia..... €linton,.. Baltimore, Md...859, Columbia, Bangor, Me..... 29,822! Columbia, Barberton, Ohio.. 24,028| Columbus, Bartlesville, Okla. 16,267 Columbus, Batavia, N. Y.. ,267 | Compton, Baton Rouge, La. 34,719 Concord, Battle C’k, Mich. 43,453/ Concord, Bay City, mele Dus 47,956! Corning, sesso First—Send “430/577 aan Kneel, straddling the patient’s thighs, with palms of the hands on the small of the back, and fingers resting on the ribs, the little finger just touching the lowest rib, and the fingers extended straight down. Patients have been revived after as long as four hours or more by this method. Keep up the artificial respiration and do not allow patient, even if he starts to breathe naturally, to stand or sit up. Keep patient warm and if doctor has not arrived by the time patient has revived, give light stimulants, 1 teaspoon of aromatic spirits of ammonia in a small glass of water, or hot drink of coffee or tea. Watch patient to see that normal breathing continues, and if natural breathing stops, begin artificial respiration again. If necessary, to change operator, the change should be made without losing the rythm of respiration. , Y.. Method Claire, Hot, Springs,Tex, Ark...384, 21,370 Ark... 15,858 | Houston, 15,035 | Hl Dorado, Ill...... we "575,901 | Elgin, Cal..... 34,337 | Elizabeth, N. “J...109,912 | Hunt’ton, W. Va. 78,836 | Burbank, ** 90,857 5.143 Burlingame, Cal... 15,940| Elkhart, Ind..... 33,434 Hunting. Pk., Cal. 28,648 *+*547'791 ets 36-256 | Burlington, Burlington, Bs Some injuries such as electric shock, drowning, gas poisoning and choking interfere with breathing and may cause asphyxiation, unless normal breathing is promptly restored. Artificial respiration should be restored to bring this about, but remember, SEND FOR A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. Lay the patient prone, (face down), the head ‘‘downhill’’, if possible, with one arm extended directly overhead, and the other arm bent at the elbow to form a resting place for head, so that nose and mouth are free for breathing, ‘ee . 22,083 | Eau_ Ga...x. | Bronawick,” 1 ote N. Buffalo, 612| sia LIGHTNING OR SUN STROKE — Loosen clothing, dash cold water on face, treat for shock. In case of sun stroke, remove to shade. Apply cold water to head. ARTIFICIAL 1940 — Cities in U. S. A. of 15,000 and over Census all cases of serious shock or injury, send for a doctor or ambulance at once. In the meantime, apply first aid promptly, but not hastily. ’ Mont.... 15,056 Ohio... Lene én Bk GD.» « La Porte, Ind.... Laredo, Tex. ... Laurel, Miss...... Lawrence, Lawton, Mass.. Okla. .. Leavenworth, Kan. Lebanon, Pa. . Lewiston, Me. Leominster, Mass. Lexington, .. Ky... Lima, OWN a: = 10 Lincoln, Neb.. Lincoln Pk., Mich. Linden, N. Little Rock, ‘tic Lockport, N._ Y.. Logansport, Ind.. Long Beach, Cal..164,271 Long Branch, N.J. 17, a Lorain, Ohio...... 44,1 Los Ang’les, Cal.1,504, a7? Louisville, Ky....319,077 Lowell, Mass. »» 101,389 Lower Merion, Pa. 39,566 Lubbock, Tex. ne * 44 plates! yn Lynn, , + Mass...... oe O1. G0s08| Hittiaee Minn. 10388 | Madison, Wis." Mass: 137:10-378 134) | E.i ciersiagt, Hartford, Conn. 18.615| Highl’d Pk. Mich. 50,810| Malden, Mass.... conn u. + 121 oe ; '992 * eaten : 3438 evelan ‘ j ibbing, inn... < adison, «ee Liverpool, O.. 23,555 | High Point, N.C. 38,495 | Manchester, N, H. Easton, Pa. ,589 | Hillside, N. J... 18,556 | Manitowoc, Wis.. East Orange, N. J. 68,945 Hoboken, J.. 50,115 | Mankato, Minn.. . Provid., BR. 1. 32,165} Holyoke, Mass. .. 53,750 | Mansfield, Ohio.. - 49,786 ' E. St. Louis, M1. 75,609 ' Homestead, Pa. . 19,041 | Maplewood, N. J. 23,139 |