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Show 44 CHURCHES—CLUBS, ASS'NS AND SOCIETIES. EPISCOPAL. Memorial Church of The Good Sheperd—24th n e cor Grant av. Holy Communion, first Sunday in the month, nam; every Sunday, early celebration, 7:30 a m; morning prayer, first Sunday in the month, 10:30 a m; other Sundays, n a m; evening prayer, May to November, 8 pm; November to May, 7:30 p m; Wednesdays, evening service, 7:30; Holy Days (falling on week days) holy communion, 10 a m; Rev Alfred Brown, Rector; res 327 23d. LUTHERAN. Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church—23d s w cor Jefferson av. Services Sunday 10:45 a m (Swedish) and 8pm (English). Alternate Sundays at 8 p m only (Swedish). Sunday School 12:15 p m (English). Rev O A Elmquist, Pastor; res 2305 Jefferson av. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First M E Church—24th, bet Washington and Adams avs. Ser¬vices Sundays; Sunday School, 10 a m; preaching nam; class meet¬ings, 12:00 m; Senior League, 7 pm; Junior League, 3 pm; preaching 7:30 p m; prayer meetings, Thursday, 7:30 p m. Rev Samuel Blair, Pastor; res 454 14th. PRESBYTERIAN. Central Park Presbyterian Church—Washington av s w cor 31st. Preaching Sundays, nam and 7:30 p m; Sunday School, 3 pm; prayer meeting, Thursdays, 7:30 p m; Rev James Thompson, Pastor; res 3060 Porter av. First Presbyterian Church—Adams av s e cor 24th. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a m and 8 p m; Sabbath School, 12:15 to 1:15 p m; Society of Christian Endeavor, Sabbath evenings at 7; prayer meetings every Wednesday at 8 p m. Rev John E Carver, Pastor; res 2554 Jefferson av. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. 1501 Washington av. No regular pastor or services. MISCELLANEOUS. Margaret Taylor Memorial Union Sunday School—519 W 24th. CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Assembly Club—149 25th. C M Ernest, Pres; G Dover, Sec and Treas. Builders' Exchange—Organized March, 1903, meets Tuesday even- CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. 45 ings; First National Bank Bldg. D J Donovan, Pres; J J Smyth, Sec; G Greenwell, Treas. Catholic Knights of America (St Joseph's Branch, No 420)—Meets first and third Thursdays in each month, Catholic Club Room. J E Clausse, Pres; Louis Bucher, Fin Sec; W J Dermody,- Rec Sec. Daughters of The King (in connection with the Church of Tne Good Sheperd)—Meets every Thursday evening at Rectory. Mrs Z L Burt, Pres. Elk's CIub—2416 Washington av. J H Knauss, Sec. Epworth League (in connection with First Methodist Church)— Harry A Hansen, Pres; Miss Lucy Duray, Sec. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dix-Logan Post No 3—City Hall. Meets second and fourth Fri¬days in each month. Commander, A L White; Senior Vice, E J Clark; Junior Vice, G F Hodge; Chaplain, S L Ives; Quartermaster, W L Russell; Adjutant, H E Steele; Officer of the Day, B F Bair; Officer of the Guard, John Gray. Dix-Logan Corps No 3, W R C—K of P Hall. Regular meetings 1st and 3d Friday afternoons in each month at 3 p m. Mrs H L Grif¬fith, Pres. Lincoln Circle No 2, Ladies of the G A R—Mrs T C Brantley, Pres; Miss S Chapman, Chaplain; Mrs G F Mcintosh, Guard; Miss Maude Driggs, Sec; Mrs A S Condon, Treas. Historical Society—No regular place of meeting. Mrs C A Bed¬ford, Pres; Miss Bertha Stone, Sec. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with the First Baptist Church) Meets every two weeks at homes of members. Mrs Ida Barrows, Pres. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Congregational Church)—Meets at church every Wednesday. Mrs A A Wenger, Pres; Mrs M C Camplejohn, Vice-Pres; Mrs W A McGaw, Sec; Mrs D F Densel, Treas. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First M E Church)—Meets every other Wednesday at 2:30 p m; Mrs Frank Shaw, Pres; Mrs Emily McCamant, Sec; Mrs Gertrude Carr, Treas. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Presbyterian Church) —Meets first and third Fridays in each month at 2:30 p m in church parlors. Mrs W Ritchey, Pres; Mrs H F Horton, Sec. Ladies' Mission Circle (in connection with First Baptist Church) —Meets first and third Fridays of each month at church. Mrs Jessie Simmons, Pres. Ladies' Missionary Society (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets second Friday of each month at 2:30 p m in church parlors. Mrs C Wallace, Pres; Miss Sarah Chapman, Sec. Mountain View Cemetery Association—206 Eccles Bldg. Reese Howell. Pres; J H Knauss, Sec. North Ogden Social and Park Association—North Ogden. Joseph Barker, Pres; James Storey, Sec. Ogden Base Ball Association—2382 Washington av. G H Matson, Pres; J W Abbott, Vice-Pres; C H Kircher, Sec and Treas. Ogden Druggists' Association—No regular time or place of meet¬ing. T H Carr, Pres; B G Knoth, Sec. Ogden Gun Club—2414 Washington av. Shooting ground at 20th cor Lincoln av. Target practice every Wednesday. G L Becker, Pres; A L Brewer, Vice-Pres; A P Bigelow, Sec and Treas. Red Cross Society—2708 Jefferson av. Mrs Wm Driver, Pres. Spanish War Veterans—Meet first Tuesday evening in each month at City Hall. John Hall, Commander. |