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Show 54 SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. NATIONAL UNION. Wasatch Council No 520—340 25th. Regular meeting third Mon¬day of each month. A A Wenger, Pres; A W Putnam, Fin Sec; A F Richey, Treas. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Ogden Union No 172—H A Sims, Pres; Walter Richey, Sec. Meets every Thursday evening at I O O F Hall. ROYAL ARCANUM. Rocky Mountain Council No 637—2433 Washington av. Insti¬tuted Jan 14, 1882. Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month. Fred C Martindale, Regent; J B Roberts, Sec; Wallace Foulger, Treas; Joseph Severn, Collector. Montain View Camp No 3766—Meets every Wednesday in South¬well Block. Mrs S E Redfield, Oracle; Miss Sarah E Stone, Recorder. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Weber Camp No 74—Meets every Thursday evening in K of P Hall. J C Gasbcrg, P P; Wm Doyle, C C; S A Lindh, A L; Samuel Kline, R B Paine and T C Morris, Managers; Ed Auth, Clerk; George Huss, Banker; Samuel Jost, Escort. W OF W—LADIES' AUXILIARY. Women of Woodcraft, Sego Lily Circle No 174—Meets second and fourth Friday evenings in K of P Hall. Officers: Mrs May 1 Wykes, G N;Mrs Addie Clark, Advisor; Mrs Mary Harrison, Mag; Mrs Ellen Eastman, Clerk; Mrs Jane S MacBeth, Banker; Mrs Maggie Somerville, Attendant; Mrs Nellie McKinnon, Mrs Kate Shields, Mrs Louisa Coleman, Managers. STREET RAILWAYS. Ogden Rapid Transit Co—2382 Washington av. Thos D Dee, Pres; H H Spencer, Vice-Pres; G H Matson, Sec; C H Kircher, Treas: N C Flygare, Mgr. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co-2444 Washington av. Wm W Crossman, Mgr. TRADES AND LABOR ORG'NS—THEATRES—WARDS. 55 Postal Telegraph-Cable Co—2482 Washington av. Utah Independent Telephone Co—348 24th. John M Forristall, Local Mgr. Western Union Telegraph Co—2414 Washington av. W J Der- mody, Mgr. TRADES AND LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen—Meets first and third Wed¬nesday evenings and second and fourth Sundays at 11 a m at K of P Hall. C D Simpson, Master; A L Howe, Sec. Order of Railway Conductors, Wasatch Division No. 124—Head¬quarters K of P Hall. Organized June 1, 1884. Meets first and third Sundays in each month. F W Herrington, Chief Conductor; D L Boyle, Sec. Ladies' Auxiliary, Order of Railway Conductors—Star of Utah Division No 83; Headquarters K of P Hall. Organized Oct 2, 1895. Meets first and third Thursdays of each month at 2:30 p m. Mrs H E Cahill, Pres; Louis Van Tassel, Sec and Treas. Tailors' Union No. 111—Meets first Tuesday in each month at Labor Union Hall. John Eklund, Pres; W A Koldewyn, Sec; John Lindblad, Treas. Typographical Union No 236—Meets second Sunday of each month. O C Carlin, Pres; N J Peterson, Fin and Rec Sec. THEATRES. Grand Opera House—2520 Washington av. A R Grant, Lessee. Lyceum Theatre—269-271 25th. Julian H Young, Mgr. Pastime Theatre—2406 Washington av. Walter DeWalker, Mgr. Utahna Theatre—420 25th. C C Richards Jr, Mgr. WARDS AND BOUNDARIES. First Ward—All that territory west of Washington av and south of 25th. Second Ward—All that territory west of Washington av and north of 25th to Ogden river. Third Ward—All territory north of Ogden river. Fourth Ward—All territory east of Washington av north of 25th to Ogden river. Fifth Ward—All territory east of Washington av and south of 25th. 6 |