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Show John J.Schwartz. 2234 JEFFERSON AVE. 218 R. L. POLK & CO'S McElroy Robert, fireman S P Co, bds 157 23d. McEntire, see also Mclntire and Mclntyre. McEntire Cora E, bds Farr West. McEntire Henry T, farmer, res Farr West. McEntire James A, bds Farr West. McEntire Sarah B (wid Wm F), les Farr West. McEntire Wm F, bds Farr West. McEntire Wm N, farmer, res Farr West. McEntire Wm R, barber, bds Farr West. McFadden Charles, waiter Elite Cafe, bds 2415 Washington av. McFadden Wm, res 2567 Grant av. McFadden Wm E, asst storekpr, res 609 25th. McFall Truman S, fruit grower, res 856 12th. McFarland Blair, mach Utah Construction Co, res 247 27th. McFarland George G, farmer, res Wilson's la. McFarland George H, tinner W E Newman, res 617 Sullivan. McFarland Hyrum, stockman, res 130 W 28th. McFarland James B, lab, res n s W 12th 2 e of S P tracks. McFarland Milda P, died Nov 1, '03, age 65. McFarlane James, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, res 1576 Washing¬ton av. McFarlane Joseph C, salesman Boyle Furniture Co, res 437 26th. McFee, see McPhie. McFerron Wm L, helper S P Co, res 2419 Grant av. McGaw Mrs Daisy A, clk, P O, bds 1068 23d. McGaw Mary M (wid James), bds 2549 Madison av. McGaw Orrin, cigarmkr N D McDonald, bds 426 22d. McGaw Wm A, asst cashr UPRR, res 455 31st. McGee, see also Magee. McGee Fannie (wid John W), res 2182 Washington av. McGee Frank, bsrtndr, bds 2182 Washington av. McGill DeWitt C, rms 359 27th. McGinness John, res 566 23d. McGinnis, see also McGuiness and Maginnis. McGinnis John, blksmith S P Co, rms 2127 Reeve av. McGlone Patrick H (McGlone & Rogers), res 237 21st. McGLONE & ROGERS (P H McGlone, Owen Rogers), Proprs Ogden Spring & Tool Works, 248 24th, Ind Tel 584. McGonagle Clara M, tchr, bds 819. 25th. McGonagle George F, asst eng S P Co, bds 819 25th. McGonagle Grace, tchr Central School, bds 819 25th. McGonagle Joseph B, res 819 25th. McGovern James, died Sept 22, '03, age 23. McGovern Rose, bds 2358 Quincy av. McGovern Terrence, res 2358 Quincy av. McGovern Terrence, blksmith, rms European Hotel. McGovern Thomas F, brkman S P Co, bds 2358 Quincy av. McGowan Dennis, lab, bds 200 W 28th. McGrath John, dairyman, res 2324 Madison av. McGregor Agnes M, bds s s W 29th 1 e of Pacific av. bain WAGONS cooper CONSOLIDATED WAGON & MACHINE CO. HEALY CAFE. J. JENSEN, PROPR. 106 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. FIRST CLASS SERVICE WITH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN SEASON. B. H. GODDARD, 412 ECCLES BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE. TELEPHONE 534-Z. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 219 McGregor Charilla A, bds s s W 29th 1 e of Pacific av. McGregor Charles F, bartndr Baumeister Bros, bds 10 M E av. McGregor Charles R, bds s s W 29th 1 e of Pacific av. McGregor Frank D, wiper S P Co, bds s s W 29th 1 e of Pacific av. McGregor George L (Farley & McGregor), res Harrisville. McGregor James S, tmstr, res 261 33d. McGREGOR JOHN J, Circulator Deseret News, Office 2445 Wash¬ington av, res 243 33d. McGregor Joseph, wiper S P Co, bds s s W 29th 1 e of Pacific av. McGregor Win, farmer, res s s W 29th 1 e of Pacific av. McGregor Wm D, car repr S P Co, bds s s W 29th 1 e of Pacific av. McGriff Edwin G, fruit grower, res N Ogden. McGuiness, see also McGinnis and Maginnis. McGuiness Thomas, opr W U Tel Co, res 2359 Jackson av. McGuire, see also Maguire. McGuire Anna, student Sacred Heart Academy. McGuire Edward A, bartndr P T Smyth, res 2828 Washington av. McGuire F Allen, trav agt, res 2316 Madison av. McGuire Sadie, student Sacred Heart Academy. McHenry Arosa M, bds 2624 Jefferson av. McHenry Wm, boilermkr S P Co, res 2624 Jefferson av. McHugh John J, painter, res 8 M E av. Mcllrath Wm C, messr Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, res 274 28th. Mclntire, see also Mclntyre. Mclntire Cora, student, bds Harrisville. Mclntire Earl, farmer, bds Harrisville. Mclntire Ira W, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Harrisville. Mclntire John T, farmer, res Harrisville. Mclntire Joseph D, died Dec 30, '03, age 21. Mclntire Jose h H, watchman, res 2940 Pingree av. Mclntire Virgie, bds 2940 Pingree av. Mclntire Wm L. bds 2940 Pingree av. Mcintosh, see also Macintosh. McINTCSH ARCHIBALD V, Asst Cashr Utah National Bank, res 325 27th. Mcintosh George F, cond U P R R, res 321 27th. Mcintosh Warren F, embalmer A F Richey, res 331 23d. Mclntyre, see also McEntire and Mclntire. Mclntyre Aaron R, solicitor, res 305 31st. McKannon Avis (McKannon Bros Music Co), res 2633 Adams av. McKannon Bros Music Co (Wm S and Avis McKannon), musical mdse, 2283 Washington av. McKannon Wm S (McKannon Bros Music Co), res 2633 Adams av. McKay Annie P, clk, bds 2247 Monroe av. McKay Belle, clk Z C M I, res 267 24th. McKAY DAVID O, Principal Weber Stake Academy, V Pres Ogden Knitting Co, res 2247 Monroe av, Bell Tel 410-Z, Ind 962. McKay Heber J. driver Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, bds 663 21st. McKay Isaac, res 663 21st. J.P. O'Neill Contractor street paving, sewers and walks. 423 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. ogden electrical supply co. 2450 WASHINGTON AVENUE. TELEPHONE 266-Z. ALEX LEATHAM, Propr. electric light wiring, annunciators, fixtures and general repairing. alex leatham, propr. |