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Show St. Mark's Hospital, both at 2nd west and 7th north sts., salt lake city g. c. hunting, superintendent. both phones 21 244 R. L. POLK & CO'S Noble John S, capitalist, bds Healy House. Noblitt John D, contr, 2071 Madison av, res same. Nokleby Emil O, res 2151 Jetlerson av. Nokleby Joseph C, bartndr, bds 2151 Jefferson av. Nokleby Lehi G, candy mkr, bds 2151 Jefferson av. Nokleby Mary E, student, bds 2151 Jefferson av. Niokleby Olivia C, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, bds 2151 Jefferson, Nokleby Parley P, missionary, bds 2151 Jefferson av. Nolan Hugh, sheep raiser, res 956 24th. Nolan John, janitor Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, bds Central Hotel, Noorda Henry, lab, res 2654 Barlow's av. Noorda John, trucker UPRR, bds 2654 Barlow's av. Noorda Margaret, bds 2654 Barlow's av. Nordene Clara, clk S J Burt & Bros, bds 3201 Washington av. Nordquist Amanda, bds e end of 7th. Noraquist August L, farmer, res n s 7th nr Quincy av. Nordquist Ellen, bds e end of 7th. Nordquist John A, died Apr 30, '04, age 31. Nordquist Mary E, student High School, bds 35 Harrisville av. Nordquist Peter A, blksmith, 35 Harrisville av, res same. Norris John, insp D & R G R R, res 2117 Wall av. Norris Thomas, mason, res N Ogden. Norris Wm, clk James Storey & Sons, bds N Ogden. Norseth Bertha, student High School, bds 1450 25th. Norseth Maggie M, dressmkr, bds 2940 Childs av. Norseth Ole R, car repr S P Co, res 865 20th. Norseth Peter O, tailor, res 562 1st. Norson Fred, rms Chapman House. NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO (of Lon¬don), B H Goddard Agt, 412 Eccles Bldg. North Mercur Mining & Milling Co, J H Knauss sec, 206 Eccles Bldg. North Ogden Amusement Hall, N Ogden. North Ogden Canning Co, A L Brewer mgr, N Ogden. North Ogden Irrigation Co, Nathaniel Montgomery pres, George Smuin treas, G S Dean sec, N Ogden. North Ogden Library, N Ogden. North Ogden Meeting House (L D S), N Ogden. North Ogden Post Office, G S Dean P M, N Ogden. North Ogden School, see Washington School, N Ogden. North Ogden School Board, M N Reynolds chairman, Alma Mont¬gomery treas, G S Dean sec, N Ogden. North Ogden Social & Park Assn, Joseph Barker pres, Elijah Shaw v pres, G S Dean treas, James Storey sec, H J Randall director, N Ogden. North Star Mining & Milling Co, J H Knauss sec, 206 Eccles Bldg. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO (of Mil¬waukee, Wis), E F Bratz Agt, 2486 Washington av. Norton Mrs Ada L, bds 122 26th. Norton Jay W, hotel, res 2155 Grant av. Norton Robert E, barber F W Johnson, bds 122 26th. Novelty Iron & Brass Wks, A W Brown propr, 128 21st. W. N, PEIRCE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. 407 24th St. H. C. WARDLEIGH. 2376 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Everything known in the musical line. E .F. Bratz reliable fire insurance. 2486 WASHINGTON AVENUE. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 245 Novik Joseph, tailor C A Eklund, res 320 24th. Nowlin Charles C, painter, 267 24th, res same. Nuitermans Huibrecht, cigarmkr Max Davidson, res 2768 Volker av. Nuthall Aaron B, died June 18, '04, age 64. Nuthall George A, mach S P Co, res 247 22d. Nuthall Harry, appr S P Co, bds 202 Tracy av. Nuthall Iolanthe E, bds 202 Tracy av. Nuthall Wm B, mach S P Co, res 202 Tracy av. Nye Cecilia A (wid Stephen), res 3278 Ogden av. Nye Charlotte, Lds 3278 Ogden av. Nye Delbert O, brkmkr, bds 30th nr Harrison av. Nye Edith A, emp Ogden Knitting Co, bds 30th near Harrison av. Nye E H, died May 15, '03, age 50. NYE FRED M, Clothing, Men's Furnishings, etc, 2413 Washington av, Bell Tel 401-Z, Ind 501, res 2670 Jefferson av, Ind Tel 772. (See left bottom lines.) Nye Frederick H, brick setter J H Partenheimer, bds 3278 Ogden av. Nye Jose h C, real est, 2411 Washington av, res 2546 Adams av. Nye Ore L, brkmkr Calvert & Leek, res 3431 Ogden av. Nye Preston W, brkmkr Calvert & Leek, bds 3728 Ogden av. Nye Robert C, bkpr F M Nye, bds 2546 Adams av. Nye Stephen, res s s 30th near Harrison av. Nye Victor J, brkmkr, bds s s 30th near Harrison av. Nyfeler Emma, domestic Utah State School for the D, D and B. Nylander Axel. tailor Peter Anderson, res 322 21st. Nylander Hannah, chambermaid, Reed Hotel. o Oakden Annie (wid George), res 129 W 26th. Oakden Lizzie, clk, bds 129 W 26th. Oakey Bertha B, clk W H Wright & Sons co, bds 149 26th. Oakey Mrs Elizabeth S, res 149 26th. OaKey James, lab, bds 149 26th. Oakley Napoleon B, mach S P Co, res 1586 Washington av. Oberg Nels E, painter, res 1004 21st. Oborn Alfred A, cashr, res 832 23d. Oborn Heber C, clk Boyle Furniture Co, res 1141 23d. Oborn Helen S, emp Ogden Knitting Co, bds 1133 23d. Oborn Isabel, student, bds 2870 Monroe av. Oborn John J, tmstr, res 1132 23d. Oborn Joseph J, insp S P Co, res 2870 Monroe av. Oborn Samuel, res 1133 23d. O'Brien John, unholsterer Smith Bros, res 2272 Washington av. O'Brien John W, clk, bds 756 25th. O'Connell, see also Connell. "Rio Grande Lines." see page 6. best equipment. superb scenery. pullman sleepers. dining cars. R . Forrester, mining engineer and geologist. makes reports on mines. 425-427 DOOLY BLDG., SALT LAKE CITY, P. O. BOX 1254. 204 EQUITABLE BLDG., DENVER. P. O. BOX 1332. |