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Show W.J. Dailimore, licensed plumber and gas fitter. 2352 Washington Ave Tel. 518-X 316 R. L. POLK & CO'S Thornton Edgar H, stockraiser, res 2639 Jefferson av. Thornton George A, bds N Ogden. Thornton Wm M, fruitgrower, bds N Ogden. Thorogood Alfred E, poultry breeder, nr Junction City Driving Park, res same. Thorp, see Tharp. Thorsted, see also Thursted. Thorsted Christian B, lab, res 134 Harrisville av. Thorsted George O, lab, bds 134 Harrisville av. Thorsted Harold P, lab, bds 134 Harrisville av. Thorstensen Charles H, sec Utah Knitting Works, res 2354 1/2 Wash¬ington av. Thorstensen George, clk Utah Knitting Works, bds 2354 1/2 Washing¬ton av. Thorstensen Helen (wid Charles E), res 2354 1/2 Washington av. Thum Theodore, cigars, 2309 Washington av, res same. Thursted, see also Thorsted. Thursted Otto J, baggageman Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, res 518 4th. Thurston Christ, trav agt Studebaker Bros Co, res Huntsville, U. Thurston James E, carp S P Co, res 178 17th. Thwaites Janet, nurse Ogden General Hospital. Tibbits Mabel, tchr Central School, bds 2747 Madison av. Tichbourne Fred, cigarmkr Max Davidson, bds 426 22d. Tillotson Annie P (wid John), midwife, 2644 Madison av, res same. Tillotson Charles, broom mkr, 746 24th, res same. Tillotson Ephraim, watchman, res 748 24th. Tillotson John II, driver Wilcox Grocery Co, bds 2644 Madison av. Tillotson Rosaltha M, bds 2644 Madison av. Tillotson Thomas E, clk Fred Massa, bds 2644 Madison av. Tilney Frank W, foreman The Standard, res 2779 Grant av. TIMMERMAN GEORGE, Propr Healy House Bar, 104 25th, rms 659 21 st. Tingen Aaltge (wid Johan), bds 2910 Pacific av. Tingen Jens, missionary, res 2916 Pacific av. Tingen John, lab, res 2910 Pacific av. Tingen Rose, bds 2910 Pacific av. Tinger Jennie, domestic 2431 Adams av. Tinger John, driver George Parker & Co. res 2165 Adams av. Tioga Gold Mining & Milling Co, O A Kennedy sec, 6-7 First Natl Bank Bldg. Tisdale Thomas R, pressman The Standard, res 2869 Grant av. Tite Clarene, clk Wilson Bros Co, bds 2939 Wall av. Tite Joseph, baggageman Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co. res 2939 Wall Tobesen Stena, domestic 770 24th. Todd Charlotte (wid Robert S), bds 468 21st. Todd Frank C, lineman Utah Ind Tel Co. bds 567 27th. Todd Harry R, marker Ogden Steam Laundry, res 505 26th. Todd Harry W, tel opr D & R G R R, res 449 21st. H. C. WARDLEIGH. PIANOS 2376 WASHINGTON AVENUE. bush & gerts, poole, krell and victor leaders in UP-TO-DATE MILLINERY. prices the lowest, goods the best. "leader millinery," mrs. s.e. lyon, propr. 2351 Washington Ave. MRS. S. E. LYON. PROPR. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 317 Todd Joseph, shoemkr, 208 25th, res 567 27th. Todd Louise L, student High School, bds 567 27th. Todd Maude M, clk, bds 567 27th. TOGGERY THE, Beason & Browne Co Proprs, Fine Clothing, Men's Furnishings, etc, 302 25th, Bell Tel 318-K, Ind 600. (See right bottom lines.) Tokio Resturant, George Nagareyama propr, 138 25th. Tolhurst Charles W, wiper S P Co, bds 666 W 21st. Tolhurst James H, trucker D & R G R R, bds 666 W 21st. Tolhurst Wm H, foreman D & R G R R, res 666 W 21st. Toller Harry J, dancing master, res 2680 Madison av. Toller Mrs Julia A, milliner, 2411 and 2518 Washington av, res 771 24th. Toller Wm F, bkpr C A Smurthwaite Produce Co, bds 771 24th. Toller Wm H, foreman Volker-Scowcroft Lumber Co, res 771 24th. Tollestrup Walter E, trav agt, res 2272 Madison av. Tolmie George, cashr H L Griffin Co, res 2739 Washington av. Tom Chung, rest, 146 25th. Tom Sue & Leo Foon, proprs Broom Restaurant, 374 25th. TOM & SING, Proprs Bon Ton Restaurant, 244 25th, Ind Tel 296. (See adv under classified Restaurants.) Tomasek Irene M, tchr Quincy School, bds 2446 Madison av. Tomasek James, eng, res 2446 Madison av. Tomlinson Richard L, agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, res 2039 Wash¬ington av. Tomlinson Samuel, fireman Ogden P Brick & Tile Co, res Farr West. Tooker R B, brkman U P R R, res Evanston, Wyo. Toone Albert L, trav agt, res N Ogden. Toone Albert L Jr, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll, bds N Ogden. Toone Edward, bds N Ogden. Topham Mrs Dora B, res to Electric av. Topham Thomas, furn rooms, 268 1/2 25th. Toponce Alexander, stockman, res 2422 Adams av. Toponce Kate, domestic 2349 Adams av. Toponce Mrs Kate A, furn rooms, 2422 Adams av. Torgeson Gilbert, tailor, res 314 21st. Torgeson Loren, bkbinder W W Browning & Co, bds 2232 Moffit av. Torgeson Orson A, lightndr S P Co, bds 314 21st. Touhy Alexander S, mach S P Co, res 214 W 22d. Tout Fred M, policeman, res rear 348 28th. Tout Samuel F, stacker U P R R, bds 131 Shorten's av. Towne Edna, student High School, bds 2644 Sheridan av. Towne Frank F, res 2644 Sheridan av. Townsend Clarence (col'd), porter, rms 2711 Wall av. Toy Margaret, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds 856 25th. Toy Robert M, eng, bds 856 25th. Toy Wm J, trav eng S P Co, res 856 25th. Tracy Aaron, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Marriott. Tracy Almira (wid Horace), bds 349 26th. Tracy Austin W, farmer, res Wilson's la. L.J. Bucher. mantels, grates and tiling. cement walks and cellars. 26TH AND GRANT AVE. OGDEN STEEL IRON WORKS. ALL KINDS of REAR 2265 LINCOLN AVE. GENERAL IRON WORK. |