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Show Kershaw Henderson _ wr SIBILITY — ool Writers Do q year erties in the aneal i Thirteen students in high Miss : WO ual Region Two ‘solo and én Febhoais in| Northern Utah will be |,ter of Mr. andMrs, « mble contest held. at et ‘gathering information. for the), is Girl’s League 1 rep re High School. ‘school columns which’ will be ‘appearing each Sunday in the for her class. She was a delegate . Miss Kershaw has had Ran to Girls’ State, has been feature original poem published in the ‘Ogden Standard-Examiner. ~ These writers are interested in editor for the school paper, National Antholog y of eh ics School Poetry. ‘journalism and play an import- “Trojan Trumpet,” and has been ant role in their school journal- a member of the Morgan High ‘Bonneville High School senior ism departments and in the pubPeggy Henderson is editor of School band for six years. lishing of school “The Beacon.” She is president THIRD YEAR “newspapers. of the Nauticals (pep club) and * In Box Elder She is a member of the ‘“Troy- is a member of the Quill and County, Ladd ettes’” drill team and is-accom- Scroll.Club. She has been on the ‘Hollist and Karpanist for the Morgan High honor roll consistently since en-; en Bush will be School chorus. This is her third rolling at Bonneville High School writing articles two advanced year as reporter for the Ogden and is taking about Box Elder iplacement. classes. She is a Standard-Examiner. School activBrian Jacks has many _inter- member of the National Honor’ i ti es. Claudia : ests, including musie and writ- Society. is and Vera Miss Henderson is a Deughien \ing for “The Dart,” Davis High of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Reed HenderSchool’s paper, In ‘1963 and 1964, p up : Shumway he took top honors in the senior son of 1351 Country Hills Drive. ‘with events at . accordion solo field at the Na‘Bear River High School. Association festiBobbie Deschamps is corres- tional HeMusic is a senior, and plans to Ipondent from Malad, . Idaho, vals. pursue a career He is a ‘High School. Morgan High son of Mr. and inMrs.law. Boyd D. Seoel's Tepresentative is Su- Jacks of Layton, and has trazanne Irwin. veled extensively with his parDavis County correspondents ents while his father served in are Brian Jacks for Davis High the Air Force. School and Nancy Grant, ClearMiss Grant represented Clearfield High School. field High School at Girls’ State, is Press Club vice president, a. WEBER COUNTY Representatives for the We- member of Quill and Scroll, the ber County schools are: Julie debate team and on the staff of Riche, St. Joseph’s High School; the paper, “The Talon.” Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jeniene VanDyke, Ben Lomond High School; Marianne . Faulk- Lewis Grant of 203 W. 1175 N., Sunset. ‘ner, Weber High School; Susan Riche is. student body ‘Kershaw, Ogden High School, viceMisspresident at St. Joseph’s and Peggy Henderson, BonneHigh School, an officer in the ville High School. club and a member of SodalLadd is 17 and a son of Mr. ity. |P°P and _ hem. D. Hollist of ire She held class. offices as a He isi 4 senibt and editor of|™ pep the “Bee,” the. schocl’s news- paper. A member of the Key. Club, he lettered two years in tennis and is vice president of the Forensie League. The Box Elder High School student is a member of student council and was among the top 5 per cent of his class scholastically last year. He ee a career in law. Miss Bush,. a senior, ‘is front page editor of Box Elder High School’s newspaper. year. club ttreasurer in her, junior ARTICLE WRITER Last school year, she was a member of the Model U.N. and write articles for the Intermoun-. tain Catholic Register. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. oe Riche of 1604 26th. : Jeniene VanDyke is starting her second year as reporter for the Standard-Examiner. She is editor of the “Highlander,” the newspaper at Ben Lomond High She is 17 years old, a member School. She is a squad leader in of the representative council and the “Albonettes,” the pep and marching leader in the B’Ette, drill team. the school’s pep club. She is a Parents of Miss VanDyke a daughter of Mrs. Joyce Frisby Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDyke of ‘of 855 N. Main. | | 866 North Street.. Weber High School’s ; repreEDITOR, REPORTER Claudia. Harris is co-editor of sentative is a-senior and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. the Bear River School paper, “Searchlight.”” She is reporter Faulkner of 610 E. 3225 N., North for the Future Homemaker of Ogden. Miss Faulkner is vice presiAmerica chapter, is a member of Phi Gamma, and a seminary dent of the Quill and Scroll Club graduate. The 17-year-old senior and chairman of the American is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |Field Service committee. She is front page editor of the “TrumpLeland Harris of Tremonton. Her co-writer, Vera -Gene eter,” and a member of Ogden Cotillion. Shumway, is a daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kerand Mrs. Jack Shumway of Tremonton. She is 17, head cheer- shaw of 1331 23rd are parents of leader, junior prom co-chair- Ogden High School’s columnist. For two years, Susan has been man, secretary and member of the Future Homemakers of press delegate for her school at America and sings with the the Model U.N. She is now editor-in-chief of “Tiger Tighlights”’ choir. Malad’s representative is' and in the past has been feature school photographer for the| and news page editor. newspaper and yearbook. In ad-) She plays the flute in the Ogdition to her interest in journal- den. High ism, Miss Deschamps has been a member of the pep club, pep band and. “Kadettes” and “Dragonettes” marching teams. “She is interested in music and dramatics and has played roles i school plays and attended music clinics. Just last week, she was elected secretary of the senior class. Parents of Miss Deschamps are Mr. and Mrs. David S. Deschamps of -Malad. Symphonic band, | |