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Show -—ss | 4 t (. wee ee ee Oe eee roe oo a A) 4 f ee of +7 or be a : A A ru AY c = aS : 6 Yo ¢ of > . ans. — ; TPR7 ep ee £ a = ae aeons _- rs S : oe owe = Se f. a = Es — EY lh é Cid ~~. ony eee oe -~ meet we s \ a, ale ~ - pee, EN us ~ er Pe <> TN ES 2S eee sS A Aikens, Malinda Lee, 1019 Collins Blvd. ........ Adikemias JOyV. 9302 MV. ROS 23 32 ee ee 4... eae. St. -Karén,..1297. Douglas Ames; St. ........ Anderson, Linda Diane, 642 Eighth Anderson, Sharon, 1365 Third: St. ° .......-....-.:..-Anderson, Shelley, 140 West Second St. -....... Austad: Sharon,: 1356 -Wiftth st... -2 ee Austin, Sandra, 972. Simoron DY. ......-..2-24-................ Lane Averett, Michelle, 925 Melody 394-1702 392-8676 394-7904 392-8438 399-1449 398-8505 394-2563 394-7860 394-9864 » Baird, Debbie Anne, 153 Orchard Ave. .........-.. 394-0114 393-2429 Baird. Karen, -952::Simoron: Dra —... 5 Bartruff, Barbara Ann, 670 Grant Ave. ..........-. 392-1909 1531. Liberty | ---.....22.2--22.t..-- 392-4202 Bassett, Suzanne, Bateman, Kathy, 215 Seventh St. ...................- 392-0177 ee. 399-4505 a Battisti, Virginia, O46 loth Sb. ok. ee 393-4694 Beazer, (Susan. 1097 Childs AVG... ee ee 394-2864 ee Se Beck. ..sGan,+ Lod4 2b Wah OG, oy Polly, 859 N. Jefferson .................- 782-6930 Beckstead, 392-7418 eee 71209 Harrop: 22.50. Bedtord. Pam, Bench, Linda, 962 Tyler Ave, -.:--.-.-..----.4:...--+-- 394-5997 Bennett, Claudean, 632 E. 1220 N. ................--. 782-6882 2.2.2. 393-0879 St. -<Seventh -Blythe;733 Berglund; Berry, Nancy, 937 Melody Lane. .................-...:..-- 393-7127 St. ..................- 393-4735 Ninth 1385 Susan, Blaylock, 392-6301 <2. AVG. Boothe; Vickie,- 113l= Porter 393-2207 3 es Bowden: Garol, 13600 Sixth (St. 23 399-4304 Brady. Claudia; 1148 16th. St. i652 ae es. 394-8242 Bronson. Kay, 2137 Grant Aye. 20s .................. 394-2279 Elizabeth, 991 Taylor Ave. Brown, Bryner, Carolee, 656 Seventh Sf. _..............-..-- 394-0969 ................---.------ 392-9469 1362 Madison. Connie, Buckley, .............--...-- 394-7843 Ave. Robins 760 Barbara, Bullock, Butters, LuJean, 355 Jackson Ave. ...............-.- 392-6122 » 3 et ss? - eke x * a ~ ees pees ——e" eee => 5 ie > om a ee: Gali sSusan. 909 (Rancho Diva. 7... Carberry, Susan,;- 1110 Sun Crest DY. 2-2...:--:: Carlson, Terry, 981 Henderson .....2-...- 2-225... Carr; Jolene, 1126 Second St. --.--2.-)....-2-22....Chacon, Della 445 “lith St.3 oe Chacon, Vivian; 350 North Walk... Chadburn, Debra, 916 Rancho Blvd. .................. .............-.-....---1104 Adams. Renee, Champneys, Chase, Jill, 1026 Adams: ~...0.2.....-.2.--f2.20-1.. Cheney, Kathy, 253 Fourth St. _.....-2.....2....... 26s 8 393-2557 392-0662 394-2246 392-5448 392-3665 399-1762 393-0694 394-0296 392-0271 399-2270 Sea B fj Pre! Pay ie = aay Girls C ats 4 Senior SoS Edward: Peterson: 2. 74 E. 4400 S. Madelyn: Picktord .. Aedes WINSe ee Dixon Reisbeck ............ Box 592, Farmington Miton “Richards 2.22. 144 - 2nd St. Don Shaw 2 ee Box 431, Liberty Bees siirley (se ee 310 W. 4675 S. Saville Shipe 3.0 oe Wallace Smith 2s 1034 Henderson Dr. INGiMtaACSLeWalt 2 ee eee Warren, Utah Connie Stowe = iy 1935 Grant Ave. Mary Rae Sycamore ._..... 2541 Van Buren Ave. Dele avlon oe ee 969 - 24th St. Dean Thompson ............ 2241 W. 5100 S., Roy RICWardce OV ase 2 Scott Wangsgard _......... 1169 Gramercy Ave. Howard: Waters: 2eo 863 Taylor Ave. Way Wooden |