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Show BEN OGDEN, UTAH, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1969 gone on Lomond. Welrriam "Here" Haywood, Atudentbody vVACe-presrdent, has participated in footbakk, wresthing, and track during both years at Ben Lomond. Herc has been on the honor roll Aevenak tunes. He 44 one 04 Ben Lomond's frcnalssts hor Boy's State. Here wWikl be cn charge of the assembly committee, - Janet Hoyak as studentbody will serve secretary. Janet has served as secretory of the Swun CLan and was a finalist for fUNtor class vice-president Last year. She has done quite well scholasticakly and has been active sn School AkfSAUE. Daun Batggs 45 next year’s histortcan. She was a member of the student councitkL Last year and this year. Dawn has contributed much to the junton. ckass. She 44 akSo amember of the Honor soctery, tf will be Dawn's job of Ben Lomond's to keep record history. Janet Braegger was choSen as Girl's Association Presrdent for 1969-70. She has been a LoyakSeot by attending nearly every game Ben Lomond has had. Janet gets good grades and has appeared on Several of the honor nokks. She hopes that She wih be able to go the fine job that Terree Slater has done thts year. Barbara Naanes was choSen as G.A, Secretary. Barbara was a member of the "Carousel" chorus Last year. She has matntarcned a4.0 average for nearly every tem, and 44 a men- ber of the National Honor Socrety. She has served on severak commcettees. Rex Tucker, Boy's Adsociation Presrdent for 69-70', has been very act1ve An sports. He was on the football, basketbakk, and track teams durAng hts sophomore and junAOA year. He has maintained a 3.9%average since beganning high schook. Dee Jonnson 44 B.A. vice-prescdent for next yearn. Dee,sometunes confused; rx Dale,was on the Sophomore basketball team and also the track team. Dee spent much tiume on the semnary yearbook. He has been constantky on the honor nokk both years. He was Selected as frrst alternate for Boy's State. Stuart Murray, B.A. Secretary, has been exAnemeky active in Ben Loew mond's musre department. He 4A a member of thea cappella choir and Concert Band, and 45 vicepresident of the Dance Band. He has hada choral part 4n Ben Lomond's musAcaks. Stuart has been on the honor rok and 4s a member of the trackteam. planted trees, scrubbed floors: and built beoths. Many members of the faculty worked right along with the students. Unfortunately other teachers weren't so enthusiastic and lacked the cooperation “neces sary to make their class project a success. The project was well worth while, however, and received acclaim from both the administration and the commun ty. The janitors unanimously (except for one) enjoyed the day. The unhappy janitor was upset. beCause someone tried to prune his hedges. The carnival was another matter. ''As the wind blew, the pies flew'' (a little poetry.) Students and a few faculty members were dunked, egged, and whip creamed, but it was all in fun. ae Why is it that if teenagers do something wrong it makes the front page. On the other hand when doing something to help the community the story is buried in Section C. ied in all you as Scots deserve a big Thank You'' for making Scots Day a success. "BOT tor are s Note: Wangsgard A sudden during the (by thoughk whole Kay more teachers was Rich- Stanford) Suggestions for next year's Make Where thing? Scots' Day participate. Have projects to keep the school clean. Don't make project time so long. More follow through on some of the projects. Stop sluffing at the dam. | This Bee eh BP potliwas ‘based on Eee thesresponses of 200; Ben “Lomond High School students DO FEEL SCOTS" DAY YOU 12S WOULD YOU LTKE res, DO YOU FEEL THE COOPERATIVE? Yes 22 TO OC SEE and WAS SUCCESSFUL? No A No SCOTS' MAJORITY OF 622° 17 No faculty. Loe nas DAY NEXT YEAR? oe Dann a clean-up day and carnival. Seventeen hundred ( ?) Scots were unleashed upon the community in anall out effort to show what today's youth are really made of. Students raked, pulled weeds, painted houses, N CAN. "MANY Of the Ben Lomond Skt Chan t*r15 and has attended our footbake and basketbakk games. She thinks very highly of Ben 21 Scots DAY SUCCESSFUL April 29th, 1969, the Ben Lomond Scots held THE oe Siate. Darr undomiood wrikl SOAVE AS G.A. VACO-PAeSAdent. She moved here from Cotonado asi summer, where she was active in Sic Coup, Pee Club, and NUMBER IS 16 Robert AkkLey was elected as Atudentbody presrcdent. He has partictpated An sootbakl, basketball, track and wrestling in both his Sophomore and jsuntor year. He has maintained a neat 4.0 average both years. Robert 44 a member of the Natronak Honor Socrety. He was chosen to go to boy4 - SCHOOL HIGH le + VOLUME LOMOND TEACHERS WERE — |