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Show in use wouldn't hold one-fourth of the members of the stake.19 Construction on the courthouse was temporarily suspended so that work could go forth unimpeded on the stake meetinghouse.20 An interesting discourse on plural marriage was given to the Saints by Elder Joseph F. Smith at the third quarterly conference, 19 May 1878. The purpose of this address was to correct the difference of opinion among the Saints in many areas regarding plural marriage. Using Doctrine and Covenants section 132 as his text, he told the Saints that we are not all able to comprehend everything alike, but we should receive the truth as it is advanced to us and pray for the spirit of discernment that we may all be able to comprehend things in their true light.21 The spring of 1878 brought much illness to the Valley, and Croydon seemed especially affected. Bishop Hopkin reported in priesthood meeting that school had been closed and meetings had not been held for some time, causing a sense of gloom to come over the area. He also reported that the Saints in Croydon had called a special fast day and laid their circumstances before the Lord.22 In addition to the problems with illness, bad feelings arose in the Milton Ward over visits of some members to astrologers. President Francis advised Bishop Whitear to send the teachers to Each ward bad its own visit tnese individuals and persuade them to fringed banner. The stop, as such visits were "strictly forbidden."23 Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum in Morgan has this Sunday School X«*wt,S,"/'* Shortlyafter.heMorp^akewasorganized in July 1877, the stake Sunday School was organized with John K. Hall as superintendent,24 and on 24 July 1878, the Sunday School held a Jubilee celebration.25 The following is an account of what took place; It was held near the river down under the Enterprise point in a grove of cottonwood trees on the west side of the Union Pacific Railroad. There was a platform erected from which speeches were made, songs were sung and musical selections were rendered. Charles Bull played a violin soloand Cy Eardly, a cousin of Moroni Clawson, played cornet solos. The children danced on the grass. So also did the grown ups. They had a barrel of lemonade, made without lemons. Sugar, lemon extract and tartaric acid. The main feature of the entertainment was a demonstration of what the telephone would be. It was in 1876 that A. G. Bell made the first exhibition of his telephone in the east. At the time of the celebration it had not reached the west. |