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Show James Thomas Rich also served in the Southern States Mission, from November 1898 to January 1900. He left awifeandsix children at home. His wife, Emma Elizabeth Hemming Rich, had to care for the six children and do all the home chores. It was very difficult to feed the family and also send money for his mission expenses. One time, James desperately needed a new suit for a mission conference. He sent home for money to buy one. Emma sold everything she could to raise the necessary funds, but was $5 short of the needed amount. She called her family together and prayed that the way would be opened up for her to get the money her husband needed. She received no answer, so she decided to just mail what she had. As she walked into the post office, she shook hands with Brother James Tucker and he left $5 in her hand. That night she called her family together again to thank the Lord for hearing her prayers.98 Illnesses and Epidemics Everyday existence in Morgan County meant hardships in the form of accident, sickness, or disease. Effective medications were not yet available, and little was known in the late 1800s about causes or cures of the many ailments which afflicted the people. During stake conferences, bishops reported on the conditions in each ward. Many of the reports were about illnesses. Stake Sunday School Superintendent F. W. Clark reported in February 1898, that illness was greatly interfering with the Sunday Schools. In the same conference, Patriarch Alma Porter spoke of God's mercy to the people during the epidemic which had been in their midst.99 Bishop George Thackery also reported much sickness in the Croydon Ward. The previous Sunday only six people attended church, a very unusual situation. Also, many old people were passing away.100 The reports of other bishops were much the same. In the Monday morning session of stake conference, 14 February 1898, President Fry adjourned conference because of smallpox in the family of Brother Simmons. All public gatherings stopped for three months. Brother Simmons had been serving as a stake missionary, Charles Turner, as mayor of Morgan, was urged to issue a proclamation recommending that all schools, dances, and public gatherings in Morgan be suspended for at least two weeks. Missionaries from different wards ceased their labors for a time. President Fry said, "Let us all supplicate our God on behalf of this disease. ... I say, God bless and protect you from all disease and all infirmities."101 Epidemics in the 1890s were of measles, influenza, scarlet fever, and diphtheria. During a flu epidemic, Esther Francis made big milk cans full of soup, and Samuel delivered them to the families of the sick. Esther and Samuel didn't get the flu, but three of their children did.102 The local doctor was extremely busy during the flu epidemic, going from place to place, rarely stopping, as he helped each person who needed him. 71 |