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Show 1. Complete text of letter can be found in James R. Talmage, House of the Lord, pp. 129-31. 2. Gibson Condiejoumal, 25 March 1893, Historical Department, The Church ofjesus Christ of Latter-day Sainrs, Salt LakeCiry, p. 132, 3. James E. Talmage, The House ofthe Lord'(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1968), p. 132. 4. Orson F. Whitney "An Ensign for the Nations," The Latter-day Saints'Millennial Star (Liverpool: Published by Platte D. Lyman, July 1899), 61:469. 5. Talmage, The House of the Lord, p. 143. 6. Journal History of the Church, April 20,1893, Historical Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, Salt Lake City, p. 2. 7. Samuel Francis Journal, April 6,1893. Historical Department, The Church ofjesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, p. 126. 8. Journal History, April 20, 1893, p. 2. 9. Ibid, p. 2, 10. Oral interview with Calvin R. Stephens, former bishop of Milton 1st Ward, 26 November 1985, by Carole King; oral interview with wbodrow Giles, 11 March 1986 by Carole King; oral interview with Mary Mecham, 25 February and 31 March 1986, by Carole King. 11. Morgan Stake Historical Record, 1893, Historical Department, The Church ofjesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City. 12. Andrew Jensen, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1971), vol. l.p. 474. 13. Samuel Francis Journal, April 15, 1893- 14. Ibid,, April 15,16,1893. 15. Mary Chadwick, comp,, Pioneering Morgan County Morgan, Utah: The Morgan County News, 1947, p. 39- 16. Samuel Francis Journal, April 19, 1893. 17. Morgan Stake Historical Record, 1893. 18. Samuel Francis Journal, April 20,1893. 19. Ibid., May 6,7, 14,15,1893. 20. Morgan Stake Hisrorical Record, Minutes ofStake Conference, April 1893, Historical Department, The Church ofjesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, p. 145. 21. The Fine Arts Study Group, comp., Mountains Conquered (Morgan: Morgan County News, 1959), pp. 54-55. 22. Morgan Stake Historical Record, Minuies of Stake Conference, May 14,1893, p. 146. 23. Ibid,, pp. 147-148. 24. ibid. 25. Gibson Condiejoumal, May 6,1893, pp. 135-136. 26. Whitney, "An Ensign for the Nations," Millennial Star, 61:469. 27. Gibson Condiejoumal, p. 137. 28. Samuel Franc is Journal, August 30,1892, p. 113; Samuel and Esther Francis Family Organization, Our Heritage.-Samuel and Esther FrancisiBountiM: Horizons Publishers, 1984), p. 203- 29. Our Heritage, p. 200. 30. Mountains Conquered, pp. 38-39- 31- Maggie Taggart Francis and Hattie Robison Heiner, "History of Lake Como in Morgan County," Morgan County Daughters of Utah Pioneers Histories, Book #4, Daughters of Urah Pioneers Museum, Morgan, Utah. 32. Our Heritage, pp. 203-4. 33- The Contributor (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Co., May 1894), 15:7a. 34. Charles Turner Journal, copy in possession of Terry Tumer, Morgan, Utah, pp. 201-4. Original located in the Historical Department, The Church ofjesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City. 82 |