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Show and Charles J. Pentz would be called to serve as bishop. Following the last session of stake conference on Sunday 28 March 1925, a special meeting was held at 8:00 p.m. at the schoolhouse in Stoddard for the purpose of organizing the Stoddard Branch (there is no explanation given as to the change from award to a branch). Joseph Fielding Smith, a member of the Quorum of Twelve, who had been the visiting authority at stake conference presided at the meeting which was conducted by President Randall. After the opening song and prayer by President Heiner, Elder Smith spoke explaining that the object of the meeting was to organize an independent branch. He explained that the operation of a branch was similar to that of a ward. The motion was then presented that the Stoddard Branch be organized, which carried with only one opposing vote. Charles J. Pentz was sustained as branch president with Joseph Heiner and Conrad Smith as his counselors. Elder Smith explained what their responsibilities were. President Randall then spoke concerning what the stake would like to see the branch accomplish. He was followed by Bishop Everett E. Anderson of the North Morgan Ward who had been over the Stoddard area. The members of the branch presidency were ordained High Priests and set apart to preside by Elder Smith.15 At stake conference three months later Charles Pentz reported that only the Sunday School had been organized in the branch. This was probably the reason for the discussion a few days later by the stake presidency and high council as to whether or not Enterprise should be joined with Stoddard. It was finally decided to call a meeting of those living in Enterprise who were under the direction of Bishop James W. Carrigan of the Peterson Ward and see what their attitude was concerning the change."5 Apparently those in Enterprise chose to remain in the Peterson Ward. In November, less than nine months after the organization of the branch, Roy Heiner was ordained a high priest and set apart as a counselor in the branch presidency to take the place of his brother, Joseph, who had died.17 In July 1927 problems developed in the Stoddard Branch andacommittee was assigned to investigate what they were and how best to resolve them. After months of laboring with the branch to settle the difficulties, Charles Pentz resigned as presiding elder. After due consideration, the name of Joseph F. Spendlove was submitted to the First Presidency for approval to be called as branch president. With the calling of Brother Spendlove as branch president, an audit of the records was made by stake clerk Roy Francis which is standard procedure in the Church when there is a change in leadership. The audit showed the following: TTTHING ACCOUNT On hand January 1, 1928 $88.20 Tithes received 2.00 $90.20 Remitted to Presiding Bishop's Office $88.20 Tithes on Hand 2.00 .*. $90.20 |