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Show reasonable time." J. Golden Kimball spoke on the importance of singing in the meetings and Samuel O. Bennion told the members that only by standing together could they withstand the powerful attacks of Satan. He explained that the Saints were their brother's keeper and would be held accountable for those things which they did to weaken each other. At the 119th quarterly conference held 12 December 1937 Elder Reed Smoot related a prophecy he heard when he was a boy from the mouth of Brigham Young who had said that the day would come when a voice in New York would be heard in California. Three years later Bishop Joseph L Wirthlin encouraged the Saints to build boys and girls rather than having to mend men and women.74 There were a few occasions when the General Authorities didn't make it to stake conference as appointed. President Randall was therefore, left in charge of the two day conference quite unexpectedly. Perhaps the most memorable conference for President Randall was the occasion when he had had all of his teeth pulled. He had been assigned to speak in stake conference by Elder George F. Richards, but had asked his first counselor President Heiner to give the talk. "During the conference when it came time for President Heiner to speak Elder Richards leaned over to [President Randall] and told him he had been assigned to give the talk and not his counselor. [President Randall] explained, to no avail, that he had had his teeth pulled and that was why he had asked President Heiner togive the talk. Elder Richards told him not to worry about not having his teeth, and go ahead and give the talk,"75 Missionary Work Anciently the Prophet Isaiah proclaimed, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth gtxxi tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" (Isaiah 52:7) Missionary work, a vital part of the plan of salvation, was stressed throughout the Randall administration. Seventies, home missionaries, and full-time missionaries were all called to proclaim the gospel. A letter sent to the stake presidents dated 19 March 1927 and signed by the First Presidency of the Church is both enlightening and instructive concerning the preparation and qualifications of those called to be full-time missionaries. The Committee appointed to consider the work of the Missionary Home has called our attention to the fact that some of the missionaries have come there with the habits that practically unfit them for the missionary services of the Church, and they have come to the conclusion that sufficient care and personal attention is not given in the examination and investigation of the habits of the missionaries before they are officially called. We therefore suggest that you personally interview each prospective missionary before you sign the recommendation to the First Presidency that he or she be called to labor, and none should be recommended for a 137 |