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Show Thurston, Josephine Clark, Sid Heiner, Jane Pate, Veva Whitear, Helen Anderson, Gail Allen, and Betty Rose for their years of service to theyouth of the stake. The first youth conference to be held within the stake boundaries took place in 1980. It started early in the morning with breakfast at the stake center. Then workshops were held at the city park. Afternoon activities included dancing. That evening the stake presidency prepared a special supper after which all the participants loaded into wagons and rode to Mecham's camping area for a testimony meeting. In November of 1980, the Beehives ofthe stake held "Beehive Week." The group held activities all week long which were highlighted by a tour of Temple Square and the Beehive House in Salt Lake City with lunch at Harman's Cafe. There were several people in the stake who received special honors for their efforts in various field on 23 January 1980, Robert Poll, bishop of the Mountain Green Ward received his Silver Beaver award. "Silver Beaver is the highest recognition a volunteer Scouter may receive at the council level."19 Also in 1980, Lorraine Heiner began supervising the stake "Pursuit of Excellence" program. The names of those receiving awards are too numerous to list individually, but the program had a profound effect on the Relief Society sisters ofthe stake. Marie Tonks was also named "Woman of the Year" by the Morgan Business and Professional Women's Club in 1980. Changes and) Added Responsibility During President Uttle's administration continued emphasis was placed upon the family as the most important church unit. Family home evening was re-emphasized as an evening to be reserved for the family without interference from other Church obligations.20 It was also during this time that local brethren, rather than paid referees, were used to officiate at basketball games. President Wilson recalled one year that Morgan traveled to Roy fora regional championship game and that during the game "The place became so violent that we had to call for the Roy City police before we could get out ofthe building."21 On 20 October 1972, President Little received a letter from President Spencer W. Kimball stating that Raymond P. Larson had been approved by the Quorum of Twelve and First Presidency to serve as a patriarch in the Morgan Stake. Because ofthe poor health of Mark Thackery who had been serving for fifteen years as the stake patriarch it was determined that another brother should also be called to serve as a patriarch along with Brother Thackery to help ease his work load. During stake conference 10 December 1972, it was announced that Raymond Larson had been called as a patriarch. The action was unanimously approved by the membership of the stake.22 Because ofthe world wide growth ofthe Church it became necessary to better reflect the geographical location ofthe stakes ofthe Church. President Little officially announced in the Morgan newspaper that following approval 214 |