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Show Sarah's children (bom to Daniel) were: Adelgunda 1 February 1874 John 7 February 1876 Daniel Hamner 24 February 1878 Fannie 6 August 1880 Henry 11 September 1882 George Sylvester 2 March 1886 There seemed never to be any trouble or strife in their home. "My dear wives, God bless them forever for the noble way they took their part," said Daniel. "We lived the Gospel. . . . remembering the Sabbath day, having prayers, keeping the word of wisdom, and paying tithing." Daniel was a good hunter, and for many years he guided hunting parties that would come from Salt Lake. He hunted deer and elk. One time he killed a bear by throwing a rock which hit the animal above the eye and broke his skull. "I gained the reputation of being the best deer hunter in the state," he once said. He thought his ranch would always be his life, but things change. After joining with another ranch, conditions became such that he was compelled to sell. Onlyasmall farm was left. It was not enough for a large family, so he looked for other opportunities. Daniel gave many hours of service to the community. He was a Republican and did much for the party in Morgan. He served for two years as Mayor. In 1896, he served as representative to the state legislature. The governor appointed him road commissioner of Morgan County, and says Daniel, "I built a new road below Mt. Green to Devils Gate and I built a bridge at Devils Gate."During World War I, he was chairman for the council of defense, chairman of three liberty bond drives, and food administrator for Morgan County. He also gave considerable service to the Church, serving as Sunday School teacher, Sunday School superintendent, and assistant stake superintendent. He served ten years in the MIA and for several years on the high council before being called as stake president in 1900. After being in the stake presidency for eighteen years, Daniel lost his wife, Sarah Jane. She died on 30 April 1918 at age seventy-three. She was buried in Morgan. Daniel continued to serve both the Church and community. Five years after the death of Sarah, he asked to be released as stake president because of the failing health of his wife Martha. He was released in 1923. At the time he stated, "The Lord has been kind to me and made many things plain to me while I was president ofthe stake. When different problems came up, I was always shown a way out." Many tributes were paid to him at his release. Heber J. Grant wrote of him; 1 have admired your absolute integrity to the Gospel ofjesus Christ, the most excellent union of your large family and rhe splendid example of integrity and devotion to the work of the Lord, which you have always set foryour wives and children. 251 |