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Show "The Union Pacific System" REACHES OMAHA AND POINTS EAST "The Direct Way" Automatic Electric Safety Block Signal Protection™ The Union Pacific System When you buy tickets, insist that they read "Through Via the Union Pacific System." When you ship Freight, see that it goes via the Union Pacific System. GorF.it Fort, Pass. Traf. Mgr. U. P., O. S. L. R. R. Lines, Omaha, Neb. E. H. Wood, Frt. Traf. Mgr. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. D. E. Burley, Gen. Pass. Agt. O. S. L. R. R. Co., Salt Lake Guy, Utah. J. A. Reeves, Gen. Frt. Agt. O. L. L. R. R. Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Is Composed of Three Units— The Union Pacific Railroad operating from Omaha and Kansas City to Granger, Wyoming and Ogden, Utah,— The Oregon Short Line Railroad operating from Salt Lake City to Butte, Montana and to Huntington, Oregon, and The Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Co. operating from Huntington and Ash¬land, Oregon, to Spokane, Portland, and Seattle. The Oregon Short Line Railroad operates six fast passenger trains east daily in connection with the Union Pacific, three trains west in connection with the Southern Pacific, two trains northwest in connection with the O-W. R. & N. and three trains southwest in connection with the S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. These lines provide everything that modern standards require in travel, including extra-fare—SPECIAL SERV¬ICE, ALL STEEL—and no-extra-fare ALL STEEL, electrically-lighted, steam heated trains, operated over the most perfectly constructed tracks that money and care can provide. Every mile of the way east or west being under the protection of Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals The Union Pacific System is known as "The Standard Road of the West" —it is THE DIRECT ROUTE TO ALL POINTS EAST |