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Show ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. BUY OUR G. E. MAZDA LAMPS THEY STAND THE JOLTS AND VOLTS 425 24th PHONE 88 366 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Spackman John, farmer, r N Ogden. Spackman John W, tmstr Pioneer Goal & Lbr Go, r N Ogden. Spackman Jos P, farmer, r N Ogden. Spackman Kate P, student, b N Ogden. Spackman Ruth, student, b N Ogden. Spackman Sarah G, confr N Ogden, r same. Spackman Wm T, farmer, r N Ogden. Spahn Peter, mach O S L, r 1934 Park av. Spangenberg Catherina, emp John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 558 W 24th. Spangenberg Olive O, mlnr Leader Mlnry, b 1972 Wash av. Spangenberg Stella E (wid Geo L), r 1972 Wash av. Spangenberg Wm H, plmbr Halverson Bros, r 1966 Wash av. Spann Carl A, farmer, r N Ogden. SPARGO JOHN N, Pres Spargo's Book Store, Mgr J H Spargo Co, r 2436 Madison av, Tel 1728. Spargo J H Co, J N Spargo mgr, real est, 2465 Wash av. Spargo Margaret (wid Jas H), v-pres and treas Spargo's Book Store r 10 Peery Apts. Spargo Pamela, b 10 Peery Apts. SPARGO'S BOOK STORE, John N Spargo Pres, Margaret Spargo V-Pres and Treas, Fred Scriven Sec, Books, Stationery, Period¬icals, School Supplies, etc, 2465 Washington av, Tel 454. Sparhawk Wm A, formn J F Everett & Co, rms 369 22d. Sparks Arthur A. lab, r 2765 River av. Sparks Arthur E, fireman, b 2765 River av. Sparks Cecil L, appr O S L, b 437 16th. Sparks Dessie, student, b 437 16th. Sparks Fred, brkmn U P, r 2035 Tyler av. Sparks Lorenzo J, formn, r 437 16th. Sparks Pearl D, stenog Westn Bottling Go, b 2765 River av. Sparrow Parley G, carp, r 2960 Ogden av. Spaulding Carl E, tmstr, b Riverdale rd. Spaulding Ira E, carp, r Riverdale rd. Spaulding Lloyd, b Riverdale rd. Spaun Alfred A, trav agt, r 428 28th. Spaun Stephen S, died Aug 5, '13. aged 20. Spaun Yesta, b 428 28th. Spaur Geo O, clk S P, r 437 24th. Spears, see Spiers. Spence Ada, b 1927 Wall av. Spencer Danl, eng, r 261 30th. Spencer Ernest, b 261 30th. Spencer Ernest F, moved to Boise, Ida. Spencer Hyrum H, b Reed Hotel. Spencer Ira, firemn S P, b 261 30th. Spencer Mrs Mabel, b 640 24th. Spencer Mary B, student, b 457 Canyon rd. Spencer Thos G, live stock 457 Canyon rd, r same. Speyer Anna L, r Kanesville. Speyer Julius, messr, r Kanesville. Spicer Clarence, ydmn Geo A Lowe Co, rms 2613 Wash av. Spicer J Frank, horse trainer, r Fair Grounds. TAKE THE SALT LAKE ROUTE FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA VOLKER LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 24th ST. PHONE 612 THREE GENERATIONS HAVE FURNISHED HOMES AT BOYLE’S The Good Home Furnishing Store Of Course We Will Charge It OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 367 Spidel Mrs Delia, r 1170 25th. Spidel Perry, formn, r 200 W 28th. Spidel Rose A, student, b 1170 25th. Spidel Wm H, student, b 1170 25th. Spiers Basil, r 2006 Liberty av. Spiers Edwin, wool grower 963 23d, r same. Spiers Florence, b 2380 Madison av. Spiers John A, emp Ogden Whol Gro Co, r rear 526 22d. Spiers John K, v-pres J S Campbell Co, live stock 2380 Madison av, r same. Spiers Thos, waiter Union Depot Hptel. Spillman Edwd, trmr Utah L & Ry Co, r 1743 Riverside av. Spilsbury Berkeley, moved to Oakland, Cal. Sponghers Virgil, student, b 2651 Monroe av. Spracher Howard, hlpr, r 325 27th. Spracher Howard jr, clk, b 325 27th. Spracher John, r Harrisville rd. Sprague Alvin A, r 2113 Grant av. Sprague Alvin A jr, student, b 2113 Grant av. Sprague David, repr O S L. Sprague Fred, candymkr, rms European Hotel. Sprague Mrs Kate B, cook Greenwell Confry, rms 350 25th. Sprattling Geo, firemn, rms Hudson Hotel. SPRINGER ERNEST S, D D S, Practice Limited to Pyorrhea and Oral Prophylaxis, Fridays and Saturdays Only, 716-717 Eccles Bldg, Tel 590, r Salt Lake City. SPRINGFIELD F & M INS CO (of Springfield, Mass), J M Fossistall Agt, 2438 Washington av. SPURGEON N L MILLINERY CO, Mrs Spurgeon O'Connolly Mgr, A Full Line of Up-to-Date Millinery, Exclusive Designs, 2372 Washington av, Tel 1866-W. Spurgeon Willa M, prin Lorin Farr School, b The Virginia. Spurier Orval, rms Marion Hotel. Spurks Cecil, student, b 437 16th. Squires Ada J, tchr Madison School, b 214 22d. Squires Albert, clk Amal Sugar Co, b 636 27th. Squires David P, cond O S L, r 2881 Grant av. Squires Guy B, carp, rms 160 23d. Squires John F, wchmn, b 636 27th. Squires Kate, student, b 636 27th. Squires Leo M, bkpr Utah School D and B, r 2936 Porter av. Staalberg Johanna (wid John), b Lincoln av bet 8th and 9th. Stafford Martin F (Stafford Millinery Co), b 2634 Grant av. Stafford Mrs Mary J (Stafford Millinery Co), r 2634 Grant av. Stafford Millinery Co (M F and Mrs Mary J Stafford), 2455 Wash av. Stafford Wm F, mach O S L, rms Brigham Hotel. Stagg Genevieve, clk J S Carver & Sons, b 2237 Lincoln av. Stagg Jos, hlpr O S L. Stagg Kate (wid Thos), b 227 28th. Stagg Thos, disp O S L, r 227 28th. Stagg wm J F, hlpr O S L, r 2125 Wall av. Stahr Alice, student, b 2667 Lincoln av. Stahr Hattie E, b 2667 Lincoln av. Stahr Jos, formn O S L, r 2667 Lincoln av. Lambert Paper Co. THE PAPER HOUSE We carry the Largest Line of Stationary in the West Oldest and most reliable Paper House in the State Wall Avenue and 24th St. Phone 151 SANDBERG & SARGENT, PLUMBERS TEL. 968 MODERN PLUMBING, HEATING AND VENTILATING. 369 23RD ST. |